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The Wrecked Commanders
Clan Forum
How to join TWC?Danystar @ 29. 04. 2016 - 14:39
If you want to join one of our servers, it might occur that you have to fill an application.
Applications are our way to make sure the people we recruit are mature, friendly people who will not harm us by their behaviour. That is why usually, once you filled an application, you will have to wait for a certain period of time (depening on the decision of the certain server you want to join), and the members of that server will watch you ingame. During this so called "trial period" you should wear and [R] in front of your name while playing, with the R having the colour of the server you want to join (e.g. NoDownload would be ^4[^*R^4]). After your trial the admins of the server will decide if you behaved accourding to our expectations. These expections are the same for all servers, they include: - Be active in-game (and on forums) - Respectful towards guests and visitors - Speak proper English (or show us that you are improving) - Mature behaviour (Request politely etc.) - Follow our in-game and forum rules. - He/she can't be in another clan already - He/she should be active in trial (visit the server at least 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes) - He/she should look at the opinions recruiters+ post in his application post Also, there are some more demands every server can choose e.g. the amount of needed XP to join, the duration of the trial period etc. You can read these demands in the server's subforum. by Mimus
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