Venice Final |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
| 25.Feb.04 |
| title : venice
| fileName : venice.bsp
| Version : final
| author : Kevin "chavo one" Ferree
| url :
| email :
| Type : Objective, Campaign, Stopwatch
| Spawn Points : supports up to 32 players, 16 per side
| Story:..
| :..The Allies have intercepted intelligence that an
| :..important transaction will be occuring between the
| :..Germans and Italians in Venice today. The Allies must
| :..escort their Churchill Tank to blow the library open,
| :..commandeer the relic, and escape Venice by Boat.
| How To Play:..
| :..Unzip venice_b4.pk3 into your etmain folder.
| :..Launch Enemy Territory(tm)
| :..Find a server running venice_b4
| :..Enjoy responsibly.
| Objectives:..
| Allies:..
| 1:..Move the Tank out of the enemy's AT-Gun firing range. [P]
| 2:..Escort the Tank to the church to destroy the Outpost. [P]
| 3:..Escort the Tank into position to blow the Library Doors open. [P]
| 4:..Steal the ancient Relic from the Library Hall. [P]
| 5:..Escape with the Relic using the Boat in the Canal. [P]
| 6:..Build a Command Post for faster charge times.[S]
| 7:..Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post. [S]
| Axis:..
| 1:..Prevent the Allies from escorting the Tank out of the AT-Gun firing range. [P]
| 2:..Prevent the Allied Tank from destroying the Outpost. [P]
| 3:..Prevent the Allies from using the Tank to blow open the Library Doors. [P]
| 4:..Stop the Allies from stealing the ancient Relic from the Library Hall. [P]
| 5:..Stop the Allies from escaping with the Relic via a Boat in the Canal. [P]
| 6:..Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post. [S]
| 7:..Build your Command Post for improved charge times. [S]
| Enhancements:..
| :..Added a tank barrier after the 1st bridge.
| :..Added a 2nd boat barrier
| :..Added a 2nd entrance/exit to the library. This is a satchel explosive from the inside of the library.
| :..Added a 2nd axis team door further down the wall from the old team door.
| :..Put an axis team door at the outpost gate.
| :..All of the barriers take one charge bar to construct.
| :..Added a new room to snipe from in the 1st courtyard.
| :..Axis can choose from either spawn location at the start of the round.
| :..New voice sound clips for the boat.
| Bug Fixes:..
| :..Fixed the truck clipping problem.
| :..Fixed bug where tank was out of AT Gun firing range, but hadn't announced it.
| :..Adjusted/removed various crates and obstacles that were impeding gameplay.
| :..Adjusted the tank path so that it doesn't clip into the ground as badly.
| Miscellania:..
| :..editor : GtkRadiant 1.3.13
| :..compiler : q3map2 2.5.13
| time : 8 months
| :..PC specs : P4 2.4GHz, 1GB RAM, 9700pro
| :..light compile: -fast -patchshadows -samples 3 -filter -thresh 0.5 -bounce 8 -external -lightmapsize 256 -approx 4
| :..compile stats: bsp : 4min
| : vis : 5min
| : light : 2hr 3min
| :..Base : New map from scratch
| :..Textures : mapcenter challenge 4 textures
| :.. : Ido Magal Venice textures
| :.. : SweetnutZ ivy and flower texs
| :.. : Many of my own custom textures
| :..Sounds : Sonic ( created most of the music and sfx.
| :..Models : Custom speedboat & relic models
| Credits :..
| :..mapcenter4 entrants > for a wonderful texture set.
| :..Ido Magal > for a cool venice texture set that has never been given justice.
| :..SweetnutZ > for the ivy and flower textures
| :..Sonic > for all the hard work making some awesome music and sfx. Too bad we couldn't include them all!
| :..M Schaffer > for giving great feedback on the alpha releases.
| :..sock, djbob, hummer, gerbil > for helping me out in the SD forums!
| :..ydnar > for being available to others in the forums and for making a great tool in q3map2.
| :..Robobunny > For hosting my website and forums
| :..gnat > For the temporary command map
| :..testers > M Schaffer, Charlie, Buff, Toe Cutter, Johnny Walker, gnat, WestEnd, Sonic, Robobunny, shAdow, Knightmare, and the staff
| > Chrucker, 5anny, Slippery Jim, dm, HeroMedic, and Pauli, and everyone else at the mapping disorder forum.
| Copyright :..
| :..Copyright (c) 2004 Kevin Ferree
| Permissions:..You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass
| :..distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks. You may not
| :..Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
| Now go play:..