N.O.T.W. Final V1 |
Played 27,591 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Small |
Map Theme: | Snow |
Attacker: | Axis |
Description: (the readme file)
Name: N.O.T.W.
by: cyburk
report bugs and other wishes @: www.cyburk.com (in the Guestbook)
gametypes: wolfmp wolfsw
Status: FinalV1
V1 only change is that the funny message is not displayed anymore!
Ok its not Night anymore but i dont care about the name may now its Noon of the Wolf ;) or something
like that. Or maybe Nudity of the Weasel whatever just play and have fun. V32
Die Axen müssen einige wichtige Dokumente und ihr
altes Funk-Equipment in die Luft jagen damit es nicht in
die Hände der Allies gerät.
The Axis have to destroy their old Radio Station and some Secret
Documents before the Allies can translate them.
-Town Spawn erobern. / Capture the Town Spawn!
-Wald MG Bauen. / Build the MG !
-Stadtmauer sprengen. (Dyno) / Blow the Town Wall!
-Stadttor sprengen. (Satchel) / Blow the Town Door!
-Stacheldraht sprengen. (Satchel) /Blow the Barbed Wire!
-Geheime Dokumente vernichten. (Objekt 1) /Dynomite the Secret Documents!
-Funk Equipment vernichten. (Objekt2) /Dynomite the Radio Equipment!
-Kommando Posten bauen. /Build the Command Post!
-Allied MG´s zerstören /Destroy the Allied Mg`s
-Town Spawn verteidigen. / Defend the Town Spawn!
-Stadtmauer verteidigen. / Defend the Town Wall!
-Stadttor bauen/verteidigen. /build the Town Door!
-Stacheldraht bauen/verteidigen. /build the Barbed Wire!
-Geheime Dokumente schützen. /Defend the Secret Documents!
-Funk Equipment schützen. /Defend the Radio-Equipment!
-Kommando Posten bauen. /Build the Command Post!
-Bauen der Stadt MG`s / Build the Town MG´s.
/Thanks to the People @ www.level-designer.de especially Ron-007 and m!chi.be for the good tutorials.
/This is my first Map for ET. Watch out for more Maps for Aliens vs. Predator 2 on my homepage!
/Greetings to all People @ ET-Scene.de
/Greetings also to my AvP2 Clan. *{SAS}*
/Thanks also to Activision for this great Game and for the first Computer Game i ever played, on my C=64 "ZENJI" :D
/This Map is not for sale! The Magazine "pcaction" may put it on their CD / DVD without asking me ! ;)
/More blabla may be added here ---------------------------->