Praetoria: Mission Two Final |
Played 152,526 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Praetoria-Mission Two: Hell on Wheels
by Diego (aka Subsurface Scattering) Contact:
Remove any previous versions from your etmain directory.
Extract the PK3 file from the .ZIP file using WINZIP, or WINRAR into your Etmain folder.
This file may co-exist with Mission One without any conflicts.
Version Info:
Script fix added to abort starting sounds during warmup faze.
Fixed typo in the Arena file.
Added missing texture: camocraft_additions.tga
Added custom allied image icons for the side entrance and side wall to prevent
the missing texture bug on the command map.
Fixed black shadow on rock wall.
Removed text from Axis crates.
Fixed hole by the camo nets.
First Public Release
Known Bugs:
On very rare occasions, the tank may not register as being damaged and will
therefore not be repairable. This usually happens when the tank is being unlocked after
the upgrade is complete. To reduce the possibility of this happening, I've rigged the
Locking lever to only unlock the tank if it has already been repaired. Hopefully, axis can
refrain from damaging the tank in the middle of the unlock cycle and avoid this bug completely.
0.99 BETA
Private Beta Test version.
Made the door to the Gun Controls a slider so that allies can't block axis players from
entering. the bunker. Adjusted spawn times.
Mission Time: 30 Minutes
Spawn Times: Axis 20 Seconds, 18 with CP
Allies 15 Seconds, 17 with CP
Mission Two: "**The Allied Armor Forces are running low on fuel. They must use the tank
to breach the Praetoria Depot Defenses, replenish their supplies, and escape to the tunnel
that leads to the airfield"
Map Objectives:
1 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from breaching the Depot Defenses."
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies reinforce the Tank at the Repair Depot."
3 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Fuel."
4 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from escaping to the Tunnel that leads to the Airfield."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Side Entrance."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Side Wall."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Gun Controls"
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
1 "Primary Objective:**Use the Tank to breach the Depot Gates."
2 "Primary Objective:**Reinforce the Tank at the Tank Repair Depot."
3 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Fuel for the Tank.."
4 "Primary Objective:**Escape to the Tunnel that leads to the Airfield."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Side Entrance."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Side Wall."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Gun Controls"
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
Map Construction: Diego
Command map : Diego
Scripting: Diego (except where noted)
Chrucker Prefab setup of the churchill tank.
Marko Ammo & Health cabinet prefab.
Sock dotproduct shaders, terrain textures modified from his terrain example.
UJE C Original fuel can command map texture
Flippy ETscript 4. It rocks.
C ET Mod Tool used for converting stock models to reduce my gamestate issues.
Upgrade Console: Diego
Gun Controls: Diego
Power Generator: Diego
Tank Upgrades: Diego
Waterfall: Diego
Fuel Can Model by Diego, Texture by splash damage
Venice Speedboat: Chavo-One ( (converted model)
Gothic lamps: Maverick (converted model)
Eagle Banner: QKennyQ ( (converted model)
Oblitz Trucks: Detoeni
WP-222: Detoeni
Textures and Sound:
This map uses custom textures and sounds from outside sources. In many instances, but not all,
these textures have been modified by either color manipulation, layer compositing with other
textures, or by assembling a completely new texture with parts of existing ones.
All VO commands are re-edited variations of the stock ET sounds. Upgrader and Gun Control
sound fx from JKA with some partial modifications.
Tank Upgrade Music: "Not Fragile" by Bachman Turner Overdrive
Intro Music: RTCW
Copyright (c) 2009 Don Taylor
You may NOT modify, redo, reproduce this map in any way without permission from the author.
You may NOT include or distribute this map in whole or in part in any sort of commercial product.
You may NOT mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks.
You may use the edited VO sounds found in this file.
Use may use the custom textures provided you create your own shaders to prevent any conflicts with my own.
You may use the custom models that I created as long as credit is given in your readme. If you wish
to alter the shaders, either use a remap shader, or C's q3model tool to make your own copy of the model.
I will also probably release a stand alone model pack in the future.
You may distribute this PK3 through any electronic network, provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.
Note from the Author:
Praetoria was the name of an ancient Roman Garrison in northern Italy several centuries ago. It
sounded cool so I decided to use the name for my fictional location.
This map was begun in 2004 originally as a Deathmatch map for MOHAA. By the time I decided to make it
an objective map (Sometime in 2005) I had become somewhat disenchanted with the compiling limitations
found in MOHAA's compiler. I decided at that point to migrate all of the work that I had done over to
Enemy Territory.
The Praetoria campaign was originally conceived as one complete map that would contain just about
every type of objective that could be dreamed up. After months of struggling with engine and compiling
limitations, I finally decided to break the map into a multi-part campaign. The first map, Bunker Hill, was
released in 2007. This map is part 2 of that campaign.