Braundorf Final |
Played 1,160,489 times. |
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Command map:
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Small |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Basic Information:
Author : Brevik
Email address :
Reworked by : Sid & Etch in 2009
Map Information:
Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Braundorf (Final)
Filename : braundorf_final.pk3
Version : Final Version
Release date : November 2009
Decription : A small sized map designed for competition and public play
Installation : Place the braundorf_final.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer -> create server menu or
bring down the console and type: map braundorf_final.
# The Allies need to blow the main and side entrances to gain access to the bunker to blow the bunker controls
# The Axis need to stop the Allies from doing the above
Additional Map Information/Credits:
Changes from Beta 4 to Final:
- Map is brighter
- Added more voice announcements
- Fixed Command Map
- Additional pk3 for ETpro (Fix of Command Map icons & adding more Ammo- & Health Cabinets)
- Retextured
Changes from Beta 3 to Beta 4:
- Addition of tracemap
Changes from Beta 2 to Beta 3:
- New spawn exit from Axis bunker spawn
- Voice announcements for objectives (particularly capturable middle spawn)
- Clipping in certain areas
Prefabs and thanks:
Shelving and bunk bed prefabs from <-- superb resource site
Ifurita for the command map, the fantastic command map icons, and the barracks sign,
not to mention the advice, help and inspiration.
blushing_bride for his advice, and texture/architectural input.
life for his advice on map making (especially lighting) and the rest of the people in the Night
Watch clan for all their help and positive/constructive comments during testing
Kekkyoku and Prophet from the NA comp community for input/feedback and inspiration to get the next version released.
The ETNation forum community for feedback and constructive criticism, and especially vowel for giving Braundorf
the chance in its first competition
Additional thanks to blushing_bride for the readme.txt template (not that he knew much about it...)
The search button on for answering nearly every question I had about
mapping. ;)
Tutorials used:
------------------------------------------------- <-- every new mapper should work through these
tutorials before starting mapping. <-- I'm not sure I did the master's tutorials
justice, but I tried... <-- really good tutorials