Haunted Mansion Beta 5 |
Played 1,120 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
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Description: (the readme file)
Mapname: haunted_mansion
Status: final
Mapper: cyburk
released: 18.01.2007
contact: cyburk@gmx.de
website: www.cyburk.net
Axis Forces are very short on War Cash and have Stolen an Leprechauns Gold.
Allied Captain O´Mealy is commanded to return the Gold befor the Axis
can get away with it. Else a terrible curse will fall on his men and
all Beer in the Country will be turned into vinegar!
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1. Prevent the Allies from constructing the Swamp Bridge."
2. Prevent the Allies from destroying the Graveyard Gate"
3. Dont let the Allies destroy the Altar."
4. Defend the Crypt Entrance."
5. Build your Command Post for improved charge times."
6. Protect the Bedroom Door. The Gold is stored in the Bedroom!"
7. Dont let the Allies Steal the Gold."
8. Prevent the Allies from building the Assault Ramp.
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1. Construct the Swamp Bridge."
2. Destroy the Graveyard Gate."
3. Gain better access to the Forward Spawn by destroying the Altar."
4. Blow the Crypt Entrance to secure the Forward Spawn"
5. Build your Command Post for improved charge times."
6. Destroy the Bedroom Door to get to the Gold."
7. Bring back the Leprechauns Gold for Irelands sake!"
8. Construct the Assault Ramp.
// Textures:
all extra textures made by myself and may be used by others if they like to.
drop a mail or some credit if you want.
// Sounds:
thanks for the Leprechauns Movie Quotes to http://www.lepconnie.com/musiclep.html
// Models:
thanks 2 "oak" for the oak model http://www.planetquake.com/oakshiro/objects.htm
modded Skeleton Models:
thanks to "Gollum" for the skeletons
thanks to Kevin Kolk aka Cyber for the other Skeleton http://www.accn.org/~kkolk/
Original Base Model is copyright id Software, Inc. You may use these models in your maps as long as you give
me credit. You may modify, edit, the models as much as you want.
// Greetings and thanks go out 2:
all people @ level-designer.de and Sonyfan of the Extreme Warhammer Server