Golddays V3 |
Played 12,131 times. |
Command map:
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Axis |
Description: (the readme file)
Basic Information
Author : die die
Email address :
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : golddays
Filename : golddays_v3.pk3
Release date
v2 : 2006-01-04
v3 : 2006-
Program : Gtkradiant 1.4
Build time : about 1 week,another week for the final
Compile time : 25 min with the built in compiler, 8 min for v3 with the newest q3map2
: full compile on v3 1 hour 30 mins
Compile machine : AMD 64 xp3200, 1500mb ram,x800 gto
Installation : Place the golddays_v3.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
bring down the console and type: map golddays_v3
#. Version BETA 1 info:
my first map is done, well the beta is done.
BETA 1, is as ready as i can do it right now, so i am looking for bugs, misses and gameplay issues in this release.
Please report any bugs or if you have ideas on how to improve the map to
#. Version B2-B3 info:
too long ago to remeber:P
#. Version v1 info:
finaly got back into mapping and spent a week fixing my first map, so i can get on with more maps:)
might release V2 of this map if its needed
#. Version v2 info:
after a hasty release of v1 and to little sleep..i found out i had some texture problems:(
#. Version v3 info:
loads of small bugfixes,doors open both ways now.the tunnel has been looks less impressive,
but its better on the fps.secret weapon removed,
#. Objectives
: Get/Defend the gold.
: Build/Destroy the Commandpost.
: Dynamite/Defend the the door n ladder.
: Build/dynamite the second entrance to the house
: Build/destroy the sniper tower
: Build/destroy the the allied basement wall
Special thanks and Credits to:
Drakir for prefabs n some scripts
Bubba for prefabs
tbh Bloodwire for some scripts
everyone at the sd forum
sd for compost n misc texture and making this incredible game:D
everyone thats not a noob at arctic warfare server
anyone i`ve forgot