Praetoria: Mission One Final |
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Description: (the readme file)
Praetoria-Mission One: Bunker Hill
by Diego (aka Subsurface Scattering) Contact:
This map will not conflict with version 1.0 (praetoria_one.bsp). However, it is recommended
that you remove the old PK3 file from your etmain directory as that map is now obsolete.
Extract the PK3 file from the .ZIP file using WINZIP, or WINRAR into your Etmain folder.
Version Info:
2.0 (8-5-2009)
This update is to make the map compatable with the next Praetoria missions, and to add Gamestate
improvements that I have learned while working on Mission Two.
Known Bugs:
No valid command map layer for z error sometimes appears in console. Still haven't figured this
one out. It is most likely caused by the 2 layer command map.
Gameplay Changes:
--Bridge bunker has been expanded in size and a doorway was added that leads to the health kits.
--Final primary Allied spawn point has been moved here to bridge bunker that allies spawn closer
to the surface and can put more pressure on the front entrance.
--Allied spawn at the Axis CP bunker has been removed.
--Neither team receives a spawn time bonus when building their CP.
--Axis default spawntime set to 20 seconds. 18 seconds after the Tunnel Doors are blown by the tank.
--Allies spawn time changed to 15 seconds.
--North Doors have been linked to the generator. They will automatically open when the generator
is blown. However, they must still be closed manually by the axis.
Model Changes:
New version of Chavo One's boat model created so that I do not have to use remap shaders on it.
New versions of Lamp models created so I can remove remap shader calls within each model.
New version of Tank model to reduce remap shader calls.
New Radar and Generator Console shaders based off model shaders. New Generator Model.
Gamestate Improvements:
New Generator Model uses script mover to reduce gamestate.
New CP models now use script movers to reduce gamestate.
Removed some static debris geometry to reduce gamestate.
Complete overhaul of the Texture and Shader library. (search and replace is my new best friend)
Reduced character usage in scriptblocks, entities, and sound files to reduce gamestate chars.
Previous Gamestate usage on my computer: 65-72%
Current Gamestate usage on my computer: 58-65%
Bug Fixes:
Added player clip to South Defenses MG.
Fixed a script bug that gave Axis faster charge times at the start as if CP was already built.
Fixed a bug in the safety glass windows above the radar controls that allowed players to shoot through them.
Reassigned a terrain shader that was looking for grass models.
Fixed Setstate Errors on Target Debris
1.0 (04-15-2007)
First public release.
Fixed the rooftop visibility bug.
Fixed the mg nest sandbag texture bug.
Fixed the various terrain seams and texture issues.
Added a multilayer command map with bunker schematics for level one and level two.
Increased spawn support from 24 to 32 players (16 per side)
0.99 BETA
Private Beta Test version.
Known Bugs: Some building rooftops visibility turns off and on when seen from the main bunker.
Visible seam in the cliff wall by the wooden bridge.
Mission Time: 30 Minutes
Spawn Times: Axis 20 Seconds (18 after tunnel doors destroyed)
Allies 12 Seconds
Mission One: "Allied Paratroopers are enroute to capture a nazi airfield in northern Italy.
An advance allied ground force must destroy the Radar Control Center inside a heavily defended bunker
to allow their airborne forces to slip through the Axis Anti-Air defenses undetected."
Map Objectives:
Primary Objectives:
1 "Use your Churchill Tank to Breach the Tunnel Doors of the Main Bunker."
2 "Destroy the Power Generator to release the magnetic locks on the Radar Blast doors."
Secondary Objectives
1 "Destroy the South Entrance of the Main Bunker."
2 "Capture the City Garrison to use as a forward spawnpoint."
3 "Breach the Storage Room Entrance."
4 "Breach the South Bunker Wall."
7 "Establish a Command Post inside the Old Church."
8 "Stop the Axis from Building a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
Primarmy Objectives:
1 "Stop the Churchill Tank from Breaching the Tunnel Doors of the Main Bunker."
2 "Protect the Generator that powers the magnetic locks on the Radar Blast Doors."
Secondary Objectives:
3 "Don't let the allies destroy the South Entrance of the Main Bunker."
4 "Defend the City Garrison."
5 "Defend the Storage Room Entrance."
6 "Don't let the allies breach the South Bunker Wall."
7 "Prevent the Allies from constructing the Command Post in the Church."
8 "Set up a Command Post inside the Forward Bunker."
Map Construction: Diego
Command map : Diego
Scripting: Diego (With lots of help)
EB Prefab script, entity setup, and lot of tutorials to help me along the way.
Chrucker Prefab setup of the churchill tank.
Marko Continuous scripting help. Debugging a multitude of compile and runtime errors.
Ammo & Health cabinet prefab.
Sock dotproduct shaders, terrain textures modified from his terrain example.
Xenon Spawn exchange scripting. Tank scripting assistance.
Chris MG nest prefab
Loffy Passing airplanes prefab used as a basis for my flyover sequences. (
thegnat Security Door switch scripting based off the ladder script from the map "Transmitter".
SD Command post entities and scripting taken from the Splash Damage map "Radar".
Radar Door/Power Generator linking script adapted from the setup in "Seawall Battery".
Custom Models:
C47 and P40 models: Diego (Models and Textures)
Venice Speedboat: Chavo-One (Alternate model converted and retextured by Diego)
FPS models:
Egyptian lamp: Arcana (Texture modified and remapped by Diego)
Gothic lamps: Maverick (Texture modified and remapped by Diego)
Tombstones: Arcana (Robbie Powell -
Textures and Sound:
Some custom textures and sounds are from outside sources. In many instances, these textures have
been modified by either color manipulation, layer compositing with other textures, or by assembling a
completely new texture with parts of existing ones. All VO commands are re-edited variations of the stock
ET sounds. Additional sound are remixed effects from outside sources.
Copyright (c) 2007 Don Taylor
You may NOT modify, redo, reproduce this map in any way without permission from the author.
You may NOT include or distribute this map in whole or in part in any sort of commercial product.
You may NOT mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks.
You may NOT use custom textures from this file.
You may NOT use the custom models from this file. The lamps and tombstones are freely available from the FPS website
listed above. I will make my airplane models available for download in a separate file at a later time.
Contact Chavo-One if you are interested in using his speedboat model.
You may use the edited VO sounds found in this file. But not the sounds for the victory sequences.
You may distribute this PK3 through any electronic network, provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.
Note from the Author:
Praetoria was the name of an ancient Roman Garrison in northern Italy several centuries ago. It
sounded cool so I decided to use the name for my fictional location.
This map was begun in 2004 originally as a Deathmatch map for MOHAA. By the time I decided to make it
an objective map (Sometime in 2005) I had become somewhat disenchanted with the compiling limitations
found in MOHAA's compiler. I decided at that point to migrate all of the work that I had done over to
Enemy Territory.
The Praetoria campaign was originally conceived as one complete map that would contain just about
every type of objective that could be dreamed up. After months of struggling with engine and compiling
limitations, I finally decided to break the map into a 3 part campaign. In my original design, the allies
would capture the Axis Main Bunker once the tunnel doors were blown and then continue to escort the tank
to the next objective. However, after splitting out the second section ofthe map, I decided that
"Bunker Hill" would need a much more interesting final objective for the allies to tackle. After
weeks of brainstorming and mapping, the Radar Control Center was born. I hope you enjoy destroying
it as much as I do.
UPDATE: 8/3/2009
The primary reason for this update was to make Mission One compatabile with the forthcoming Mission Two.
However, while I was in the conversion process, there were a handful of bugs reported that I had decided to
fix. I also found quite a few that I never knew about. More importantly, I was able to apply some techniques
that I learned while working on Mission Two that could be used to slightly improve the Gamestate usage on this
map. Hopefully that will be enough to allow it to run on slightly larger servers. If not, a little extra
breathing room can't hurt.