Rushers 11 Beta 2 |
Played 44,155 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Desert |
Description: (the readme file)
| 10.02.2009 |
| title : rushers11
| fileName : rushers11.bsp
| Version : beta
| author : Atari"ET.Atlas"
| url :
| email :
| Type : Objective, Campaign, Stopwatch
| Spawn Points : supports up to 32 players, 16 per side
| Story:..
| :..The Allies have to Rush the Gizeh City and Destroy the Axis Generator before
| :..Allies start their Air Attack.** the German Afrika Korps had to be stopped from
| :..threatening the vital British supply line across the Suez Canal.
| How To Play:..
| :..Unzip rushers11.pk3 into your etmain folder.
| :..Launch Enemy Territory(tm)
| :..Find a server running rushers11
| :..Enjoy responsibly.
| :..Nedim "Avoc" from for his huge support and leading my
| :..hand in the mapping.
| :..Sky box made by Avoc.
| :..Kevin "chavo one" Ferree for his texure and the Tank trigger for hot days :)
| :..mapcenter4 entrants > for a wonderful texture set.
| :..Ido Magal > for a cool venice texture set that has never been given justice.
| Have fun