Wacht am Rhein Beta 1 |
Played 35,208 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Snow |
Attacker: | Axis |
Description: (the readme file)
--- General Information ---
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Wacht Am Rhein beta 1
Filename : bulge_beta1.pk3
Release date : 12/13/2003
Author : Tom "Menzel" Haskins
Email address : thaskins@snet.net
Webpage : http://www.farmingtonco.com/ro/
Textures : Yes.
Sounds : Yes.
Models : Yes.
--- Notes ---
The map is being released as a public beta. Please test the map and offer feedback in regards to gameplay, map layout, team balance, performance issues and any major bugs or problems found to thaskins@snet.net
--- Description ---
The Axis have begun their last major offensive in the cold snow covered woods of the Ardennes. Striking hard with armored vehicles they quickly push their way into the small Belgian towns. The allies must withstand the offensive and dig in before their lines give way to the Axis assault.
--- Game Objectives ---
Axis Objectives
Primary Objective:**Construct a Bridge over the frozen river.
Secondary Objective:**Destroy any obstacles that impede the progress of the tank.
Primary Objective:**Escort the tank into the town and destroy the Church main doors.
Primary Objective:**Escort the tank as it destroys the Church side door.
Primary Objective:**Dynomite the Allies Command HQ inside the church.
Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post.
Secondary Objective:**Build your Command Post for improved charge times.
Allied Objectives
Primary Objective:**Stop the Axis from building a Bridge over the frozen river.
Secondary Objective:**Place barriers to impede the progress of the tank.
Primary Objective:**Don't let the tank destroy the Church main doors.
Primary Objective:**Don't let the tank destroy the Church side door.
Primary Objective:**Defend the command HQ inside the church.
wSecondary Objective:**Build a Command Post for faster charge times.
Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post.
---Things that are incomplete ---
*Road brushes and textures will be replaced in final, but as they are now they shouldn't affect gameplay.
*Terrain has some areas where the texturing doesn't blend correctly - will be fixed in final.
*The tank has some rough movements that shouldnt affect gameplay. These will be fixed in final.
*Some areas of the map may not be clipped properly. Please make me aware of any areas so that they may be fixed in final.
*Lighting compile is not high quality, this will be fixed in final.
*Various visual oddities in 16-bit mode.
--- Installation ---
Place the bulge_beta1.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu. Choose the map named "Wacht Am Rhein Beta1".
--- Credits/Thanks ---
ID, Splash Damage and Activision for Enemy Territory, Det Pak (http://detpak.tripod.com) for additional sounds, All of the ET websites who are actively promoting custom maps, and all of the beta testers for helping to debug the various builds.
--- Copyright / Permissions ---
This level is copyrighted by Tom Haskins 2003.
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD
or any other electronic medium without my explicit permission.