Exodus Alpha 4b |
Played 38,448 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
{ { Basic Information } }
{ Author : Grzegorz "mlyn3k" Janicki }
{ E-mail & MSN : mlyn3k@poczta.fm }
{ GG : 1628139 }
{ { Instalation } }
{ Just put exodus_a4b.pk3 to your etmain folder. }
{ }
{ }
{ { Map Information } }
{ Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory }
{ Title : Exodus (Alpha 4) }
{ Filename : exdous_a4b.pk3 }
{ Bsp-name : exodus_a4b }
{ Release date : 2006-12-15 }
{ Decription : I fought with this map in Radiant to win more fps (there is no }
{ fog f.e.). The map don't look so good like last alpha 3 }
{ version but amount of fps is more important than that.. :( }
{ }
{ It is a spring of 1945. The end of war is soon. Germans must }
{ withdraw their forces from cities- Russians are }
{ counterattacking. }
{ The Axis still need radio communications network so they must }
{ defend the Radio Transmitter. }
{ The Allies will have to reclaim the city and steal Parts of }
{ the Radio Transmitter located at higgest building in town: }
{ The Old Church. }
{ Objectives : Axis- 1. Don't let the Allies get The Flag! You must hold }
{ this point of the city until reinforcements arrive! }
{ 2. Guard the Getto Wall! Don't let the Allies to blow }
{ it up with dynamite! If they do that- the city will }
{ be lost! }
{ 3. Prevent the Allies from destroying The Church Doors! }
{ They can't take their hands to Radio Transmitter! }
{ 4. Guard The Tower's Secret Entrance! Even a satchel }
{ charge can destroy the seal! }
{ 5. Don't let the Allies to steal The Radio Parts from }
{ the church! If they do that the whole battle will }
{ be lost! }
{ 6. Build The Command Post! }
{ 7. Mind the weak wall. The Allies can blow it up! }
{ 8. The Allies will be able to escape using The Sacristy }
{ Window if they destroy it's bars! }
{ }
{ : Allies- 1. Capture The Flag and hold this part of The City! }
{ From this place it will be much more easy to get }
{ to The Church. }
{ 2. Blow up The Getto Wall! If you do that The City }
{ will be yours! }
{ 3. Destroy The Church Doors and get inside. }
{ 4. Find and blow up The Tower's Secret Entrance to }
{ The Church! You can use a satchel charge to break }
{ the seal. }
{ 5. Steal The Radio Transmitter Parts and take them to }
{ The Command Post! }
{ 6. Build The Command Post! }
{ 7. You will be able to use this alternative entrance }
{ if you blow up the weak wall. }
{ 8. Destroy The Sacristy Window bars and use new }
{ escape way! }
{ }
{ Program : Radiant 1.4.0 }
{ Compile machine: Intel Pentuim IV 3 Ghz, 1024mb }
{ }
{ Textures : Standard + custom from www.planetquake.com/berneyboy }
{ Prefabs : EB's spawn_exchange; Drakir's Ammo & Health boxes; }
{ Marko's Neutral Command Post; Sock's shader and few textures. }
{ }
{ }
{ { Special thanks } }
{ Voythas - for great sky texture and levelshot! }
{ }
{ Testers: Coristo, Dr3am, Kusak, Quba, T!M3X, marcin, !US*hx5_eVo, Zymo }
( }
{ BerneyBoy - for tons of nice textures. }
{ }
{ EB, Drakir, Marko, Sock - for helpful tutorials and prefabs. }
{ }
{ }
{ { Copyright / Permissions } }
{ You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product }
{ without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via}
{ any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and }
{ floppy disks. You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without}
{ permission from the author. }