Chateau Voilegarde Beta 3 |
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Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
April 19, 2004
Chateau Voilegarde Beta 3
Map by: Tasian
Description: Allied intelligence recently discovered a research facility hidden in a secluded french castle called Chateau Voilegarde. They must break into the lab and steal the radar parts. Axis must hold off the attackers.
*** Beta 1 Released 3/17/04
- First version, fresh out of the oven! You can practically smell that new car smell...
*** Beta 1.1 Released 3/19/04
- Fixed up places where textures are z-fighting
- Widened the vents and retextured them for easier dark navigation
- Made the grass and dirt able to support landmines
- Straightened out a few unaligned textures
- Clipped a few more things
- Made the boundary mountains impossible (or at least much harder) to climb up on... hopefully. Also clipped a major gameplay leak on said mountains. (Thanks Crazysmuk!)
- Took care of the Allied Commander saying "Destroy the Controls" instead of "Controls repaired"
- The tank model have a problem with defying gravity, took care of that. (Thanks Brit!)
- The truck barrier CAN'T be constructed anymore when the truck gets past it.
- Commander now says "Assault Ramp destroyed" instead of "Assault Ramp Constructed"... in the right part, of course. (Thanks Crim!)
** Beta 2 Released 4/2/04
- Axis Commander said "Controls Repaired" when it gets destroyed and the Allied Commander says "Generator Destroyed" when the assault ramp is kaput. Oops. Fixed those.
- Modified the mountains some more for making it impassible.
- Put some lights in the un-lighted area in the research center. Oops! Also modified the stair lights a bit.
- Now a warning of "You are near the Lethal Electric Floor" appears when you're near the active floor of death. It disappears when the floor is safe.
- Lowered the moat entrance a bit for easier swimming. (Thanks prog!)
- Major goof-up, the news reel doesn't play in Beta 1.1! I kicked that problem's butt.
- Added some corona effects to the electric floor lights so they're easier to see. Plus they're shiny, oooo!
- The lab exit bunker now has a 2nd floor and 2 more exits, given that the Allies can easily beat the Axis back with the current bunker floor plan. (And I threw in some more boxes up there, 'cause... um... Axis... like... boxes.)
- Now Axis can blow up the Assault Ramp by place the explosive on the floor of the wall, as opposed to directly on the ramp. It plain looked silly to see the dynamite explode right next to the ramp and the ramp was still standing. (Thanks pookie!)
- Axis now have pictures on the command map (not matching, exactly, but I'm not a good graphics person) of the thingies they need to defend: Main Entrance, Side Entrance, Generator.
- Modified the Laboratory Axis spawn for easier access of the stairway. Also there is a vent by the jail-like blocker that leads over to the place before the Radar Room.
- The generator is now located in the lobby for better Axis defense. Speaking of better Axis defense, there's now a constructible MG nest where the generator used to be, plus a mounted MG on the 2nd floor balcony of the eastern lab exit bunker.
- There is a pathway that leads from the Axis laboratory spawn to the big picture in the castle lobby.
- Added an extra room to the facility warehouse to make spawn camping harder for the Allies.
- Truck is 25% slower now to give the Axis a fair chance.
- Plus, more pictures 'n' fun stuff. :)
** Beta 3 Released 4/19/04
- The truck was moved from the front of the castle to a driveway next to the Allied first spawn. The truck drives at an okay speed until it reaches the tunnel, then it slows down. 'Cause it's evil like that.
- The jail-like blocker in the facility has been moved to prevent very easy escapes with the Radar Parts.
- Added more rooms to the research facility to help balance the blocking of the easy escape route.
- Truck barrier has been moved to the middle of the field to give the Axis a better chance.
- Speaking of stronger Axis defense, time has been extended to 25 minutes.
- Cut out a bunch of bloat and corrected the mistakes of the sound files. (Thanks SiliconSlick!)
- Tweaked the elevator to go a tiny bit faster.
- Heard there was a problem with the map not ending when the truck reaches the final point... did a bit of 'fail-safe' scripting to try and counter that.
- Changed the Axis Exit Bunker a bit more, extended a balcony, hallway route a bit shorter.
- There's an Axis-ONLY door (red symbol, even disguised Coverts can't open it) that connects the Chateau and Laboratory... just so the Axis aren't 'locked-out' of their own place. :P
- More texture straightening and brush goof-ups fixing.
Known Bugs:
* I've been told that if you go prone while the elevator is moving, you get crushed. I tried it get crushed for 5 minutes, but no luck. So if you're paranoid, please remain in the upright position until the elevator comes to a complete stop. And take a bag of peanuts.
Objective Data:
**Allies (The Good Ol' American Boys)**
- Gain Access to the Castle by Destroying the Main Entrance, Building the Assault Ramp on the East Side, and/or Destroying the Side Gate in the Basement Warehouse of the Chateau
- Capture the Forward Spawn in the Castle Courtyard shed to make the assault that much easier.
- Dynamite the Generator (located in the lobby) to gain access to the research facility and to secure the Courtyard Spawn.
- Disable the Electric Floor Controls to gain access to the radar part. Otherwise, anyone stepping into the radar room will get a "shocking" surprise.
- Take the Radar Part and secure it to the truck outside the castle wall, near the main gate.
- If constructed, dynamite the Truck Barrier, and escort that truck out of there to win the match.
- Build a Command Post, located very close to the western wall on the first floor.
**Axis (Those Jahahaa-ing Trench Coat Krauts)**
- Defend the Castle's Walls by preventing the destruction of the Main Entrance, rebuilding the Side Gate if compromised, and destroying the Assault Ramp if constructed.
- Defend the Forward Spawn in the Castle Courtyard shed to continue defending the castle walls.
- Prevent the destruction of the generator (located in the lobby) to keep the facility within the castle locked down and the Courtyard Spawn under Axis control (if captured, of course).
- Maintain the Electric Floor Controls so the Allies can not take the Radar Part.
- Don't let the Allies steal the Radar Part and take it to the truck outside the castle, near the main gate.
- Disable the truck and build the truck barrier to prevent the Allies from escaping with the Radar Part.
- Build a Command Post, located very close to the western wall on the first floor.
**Map Info
Title :Chateau Voilegarde
Filename :voilegarde_b3.bsp
Game/mod :ET - wolfmp/ wolfsw
Author :Tasian
Email address
Not-Clan Web Address :
**Build Info
Base :Scratch
Editor(s) Used :Wolf Radiant, Paint Shop Pro
Build time :About 8 months
Compile time :30 minutes
Put voilegarde_b3.pk3 into your (wolfet)etmain directory.
Run wolfet
bring down console "~" and type...
/g_gametype 2; map voilegarde_b3
**Play Information
Single Player : No
wolfmp : Yes
wolfsw : Yes
wolflms : No
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : ... ... Why would there be music in the background? I wish my life has a musical score. Like the Simpsons. Doh!
**Special Thanks to...
- First and foremost, the Splash Damage team for making one of the best multiplayer games ever. Period. :D
- The fine folks at Goat's Bar and Grill, you guys are the best! Some special-special thanks for the following:
- GyverX for making the commandmap and the custom textures, and for testing out the map and trying very hard to get his server up and running just to test me l'il map. Plus making one of the best ET images I've seen!
- InThrees for his special graphic as well.
- HaB aka Brit for doing a fantastic job with his multiple(!) news reels. I can proudly say that they are JOLLY GOOD! Also for testing the map.
- Crimson Avenger, prog, pookie, Crazysmuk, and Bullet Magnet for checking out my map and putting up with my annoying voice on Teamspeak. :P
- Syma, Englander, Porky, miky, Mycroft, NA*IL, Chiemseeman, JamesBOMB, Radd, the **NameGoesHere** guys, Arctic_Wolf, The >DD< Clan, randall, all the people I pushed into the ground while they were on 999 ping, everyone else I missed (there's just so many, sorry about that! Me brain is going, thanks to age, I think) ... well, you didn't really help with the map, but thanks for all the fun and experiences I had with you guys!
- And of course, Goat for letting us play on the server he pays for, we all appreciate it! ... Except the people that get banned. :P
- Chavo_one, for letting me use his beautiful Venice sky and helping me with getting it to work.
- Drakir for some of his textures and his nice webpage and tutorials.
- Jon Swenson (Creator of Axis Lab) for his information about using game_models.
- And the Splash Damage forums for having some extremely helpful people there.
- Bob Seger for his ol' time rock 'n' roll.
- Buckwheat Boys for making one of the most annoying and catchy songs ever. (If you know of the dancing banana, you know the song)
- The LTC Clan ( for their praises on my map and for picking it for their start-off party night.
Any suggestions, compliments, criticisms, bugs, questions, send 'em my way. :)
Or post them in Goat's Forum:
Or! Tell me personally when I'm on the Goat's Bar and Grill server:
(Remember to respect the rules, Goat runs a tight ship... but I wouldn't have it any other way)
"Give me goomba or give me death!" -Crazysmuk
---- Happy Fun Time Bonus Tip for those that reached the end of this long, long readme!!!!!111oneon: Yes, there is a secret room. How does one reach it? No hand icon will show up near the button... let's just say that it's on the edge of the map. And you need to press a bird in the shadow.