Rommel Final |
Played 200,810 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Desert |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Rommel Beta 2 README file
Brought to you by Mean Mr. Mustard, Cptn Triscuit, and Ifurita
# Mean Mr. Mustard - Terrain, Tunnel, Spawnpoint scripting, V2 Models + Animation, lots of other scripting
# Cptn Triscuit - Most of the buildings, cistern, key card models and skin, custom textures
# Ifurita - Laid down a brush here and there, did the crates by the truck, signage
# Schaffer - Command map
# Members of the, and forums for providing a substantial amount of constructive and valuable feedback during early concept development
August, 1942
Rangers, attached to the famed SAS, have been raiding Axis supply depots located deep in the Libyan deserts. Friendly Bedouins have alerted the attackers to the location of Rommel's last remaining water purification facilities. The cistern is camouflaged in the sandy ruins of an ancient trading post.
Allied Objectives
1. Breach West Gate
2. Breach East Gate
3. Capture the Forward Spawn
4. Steal the Key Card
5. Transit thru the Tank Depot
6. Construct the Command Post
7. Use CP to Change the Team Door
8. Spawn at the CP-Controlled Spawn
9. Deliver Key Card to Cistern
10. Destroy the Cistern Controls
Gameplay Notes
# Map is designed for 12-28 players
# Allies are on offense
# Allies can gain access to the cistern before access card is delivered but cistern controls cannot be blown up unless key card has been capped
# If the allies build the CP, the team door by the Tank Depot becomes accessible to everyone and the allies gain a 5 second respawn advantage
# Once West Gate has been blown, the forward spawn point becomes a permanent allied spawn
Change Log:
Changes from _fp to _b1
1. Reduced map time from 30 to 15
2. Allies gain 5 second respawn bonus when CP is built
3. Added a team door to each gate
4. Created a vis-blocking structure, which divides the lower base area
5. Added constructible MG in the forward spawn complex
6. Added constructible MG in the cistern
7. Clipped off many areas where people were getting hung up and stuck
8. Added second exit from flag area to speed movement towards East Gate
9. Much interior decorating
10. Added cover in front of each gate
Changes from _b1 to _b2
1. Lightmapped terrain, which reduces the brightness and throws nice shadows
2. Added signage for those who can't tell East from West and North from South
3. Clipped off the wall jumping avenues on east and west gates
4. Added more flavor in the form of trees, vegetation, and detail to rooms
5. Did not clip off the roofs, but made access more difficult. You will need someone to boost you up, which leaves the roof accessible, but rambos will have a hard time using it.
6. Created VOs for 'breached East Gate' and 'breached West Gate'
7. Expanded TOIs for dyno targets. You can blow gates from Axis side
8. Removed dyno delay when key card is capped
9. Made access to tank depot roof a little easier for allies, but you still need a boost to get to roofs
10. Made the upper floor of the axis spawn selectable
11. Adjusted ladders so that you don't pop up so high when you get to the top of the gates
12. Fixed terrain behind key card building
13. Added detailing in most buildings
14. And a couple of other things you'll have to figure out for yourself
Changes from _b2 to _b3
1. Turned night to day
2. Drastically improved amount of information presented on the command map
3. Eliminated both constructible MG positions
4. Changed general door at tank depot to allies only door upon construction of CP
5. Added more signage to the forward spawn area
Changes from _b3 to _final
1. Made a cp controlled forward spawn
2. Made key card building a little more accessible
3. Moved cap point from left of door to right of door
4. Added a truck to block some direct fire from axis spawn vs obj runners
5. Eliminted roof ledges from a couple of key buildings