Kha Ran Than (ETNam) |
Played 45,220 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Other |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
°°°------------------ KHA RAN THAN readme -----------------------°°°
I. A brief history
II. Creation
III. Map & objectives
IV. Credit
V. Thanks
VI. Contact
VII. Further links
VIII. Extra and known issues
IX. Copyright
I. A brief history
This Kha Ran Than map was originally conceived as a complete and perfect reconstruction of Carentan, in order to pay tribute to this celebrated Call of Duty multiplayer map. In the mapping process, and with the consent of VS, the idea got adapted in honor of the alliance between SLUT and VS.
The map was to undergo a complete transformation, ultimately attempting to give the map a Vietnamese war atmosphere. Hence, the current map's name is a mere "vietnamization" of Carentan: "Kha Ran Than". Evidently, the map features the VS Vietnam mod textures and sounds. Also, beside the original Carentan setting, the map was enlarged with a beach landing and a town plaza to better suit the 40 slot VS server.
In an initial phase, Kha Ran Than will be provided exclusively to the VS clan to use on their VETERAN SOLDIERS-VIETNAM server. Later on, it could be made public for others when adapted to the original CoD Carentan setting.
II. Creation
Kha Ran Than was created by [SLUT]manwhore and [SLUT]Shagileo.
More info about them can be found on their clan's website: or on the [SLUT] Forum:
Later on, the map was send to Sage from S&M Mapping. He did the fps improvement (-vis).
The entire concept took about a half year of weekend work to become reality, from somewhere in September 2008 to June 2009. It must be emphasized the final result was achieved without ever decompiling anything from the original CoD map or any other map from any other game.
Map structure and idea by [SLUT] manwhore
Shaders and (re-)texturing by [SLUT] manwhore
Scripting by [SLUT] Shagileo
Compiling times:
-meta: 122 seconds
-vis: 2838 seconds
-light: (faster) 3241 seconds
On a:
Intel Pentium 4 ; 2.40 GHz ; Windows XP SP3 ; NVidia Gforce 4 MX 420
Radiant : 1.4
III. Map & objectives
1. Setting:
<<After their successful Ho Chi Minh campaign, North Vietnamese and National Liberation Front forces swiftly advance towards the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon to celebrate their late President's birthday by ultimately ending the war. US army forces infiltrate the capital’s fallen suburbs of Kha Ran Than in an attempt to retrieve vital information in order to safeguard the planned evacuation operation Frequent Wind.>>
Everything about this story is historically truthful, except for any supposed infiltration of US Navy Seals in a town called Kha Ran than - unless it did happen secretly...
The map features the original CoD town of Carentan, together with a small beach and a town plaza.
2. Objectives
- Neutral
<<US Navy Seals infiltrate the capital’s fallen suburbs of Kha Ran Than in an attempt to retrieve vital information in order to safeguard the planned evacuation operation Frequent Wind.>>
- Attacking team: US Navy Seals
<<The Viet Cong intercepted vital information, jeopardising our planned retreat out of Vietnam. Retrieve the intel so we can get our troops out safely!>>
=> Allies must steal the tank, escort it through the town, destroy possible obstacles, steal the top secret documents and escape with them by a huey.
- Defending team: Viet Cong
<<The Americans will risk everything to get back this piece of invaluable information. Hold off any attacks until complete transmission of the documents!>>
=> Viet Cong must prevent the documents from getting stolen.
3. Map and spawn times
Time limit: 30 minutes
Allied spawn time: 12 seconds
Axis spawn time: 15 seconds
IV. Credit
Credit goes to:
- Sage for the -vis improvements, misc editing and great support
- Menzel for his car model
- Pegazus for his helicopter model and great support
- Necromancer for his skybox pack
- VS Monkey and VS clan for their Vietnam mod textures, sounds, ...
- Official 6-maps source (for crates, radar house: allies first spawn (edited by us) and other
models that come default with the game)
- the original CoD Carentan creators for inspiring us with that great map
- Rayban for the treeline texture and shader
V. Thanks
Our thanks goes to:
- the [SLUT] clan
- Monkey for testing the first versions of the map and the helpful feedback
- the VS clan for such a great server, mod and hosting the map
- Pegazus and Sage from S&M mapping
- all mappers on the splashdamage forums who helped us in any way
- you who are reading this and will (hopefully) play Kha Ran Than
- our Nintendo Wii for entertaining us during compiling times (... long times it were)
- our PC for hangin' on
VI. Contact
For suggestions, recommendations, comments,... you can contact the map creators via:
or via the Splashdamage forums (infra)
VII. Further links
VIII. Extra and known issues
- This map has been fully re - textured for the Vietnam mod 0.0.1. Hence the long delay of the (first) release
- This map can be modified later on due to clipping issues. Spectators can see too much caulkwork when scouting the map. Other issues need to be spotted later on.
- There are several funny features in this map, such as a secret place featuring some real slut members (modified with their permission) and a picture of the mappers with Ho Chi Minh having a great time. Have fun searching :)
- a Huey helicopter model was created by Pegazus. Due to a bug, we unfortunately could not implement it in our first version.
- Terrain blending still needs to be done
- The tank movement is sometimes rather shaky. This could be fixed in a next release
- ...
IX. Copyright
Copyright © [SLUT]manwhore and [SLUT]Shagileo, 2009
All rights reserved.
Textures and Vietnam models copyright. Copyright © -Veteran Soldiers - Clan. Textures by VS Borg and VS Monkey. Tank Model by VS Borg and VS Monkey, 2009
All rights reserved. Consult the Vietnam Mod 0.0.1 packs for full Mod copyrights.
Helicopter, Huey, copyright. Ownership to SLUT SMB, SLUT Mapping Bunker, by S&M Mapping, 2009
All rights reserved.
You are BY NO MEANS allowed to
- decompile this level
- modify the kharantan.pk3 file
- copy, modify or distribute any of the file's components, notwithstanding possible rights granted from creators of some of the map's components
- distribute kharanthan.pk3 for usage other than playability on the VS VETERAN SOLDIER-VIETNAM server.
- use any of the models inside the map. The following models are NOT ours and therefor you can be granted usage: menzel car model, default ET models.
Contact the respective owners for usage.
By downloading kharanthan.pk3 you are deemed to have agreed to all of these conditions.
If you are interested in any of the models we use, consult the following website: and submit
a request there.