Bridges Final |
Played 113,553 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Snow |
Attacker: | Axis |
Description: (the readme file)
bridges readme: March 2006
bridges is the final version of the bridges_betas ET map, project, hobby, saga - by Neil aka mrfin.
It took a good while to complete (started in late summer 04) but time for such things has been limited for me
and such a project takes alot of work for one person.
Map details:
The Axis are attempting to escape Eastwards from Northern Italy with a train cargo of booty.
To do this they need to fix the a train with spares on a truck.
Trouble is that the Allies are on to them!
The map is made up of 3 open areas connected by road and rail tunnels.
The objectives are the vehicles, the road tunnel barrier and 2 rail bridge barriers.
Axis have to get the Spares Truck to the Train, fix the train, then get the Train
back across the bridges to the waiting cargo to win.
Time Limit: 30 minutes. Spawn time: 30 seconds allies, 20 seconds axis
spawn entities for 64 players
Modes supported: objective
(isn't set up for lms)
Thanks are in order to many - to the developers/creators of RTCW, ET, RADIENT, EASY GEN
.... a long list. Thanks all for the brilliant work, resulting toys and tools.
Thanks again to those from the Splash Damage ET level design forum for their patience and help.
Big thanks to Chruker who helped me with script issues...
Many thanks also to Schaffer who kindly made the excellent Command Map...
To all the server admins and players that have tested the earlier versions and especially
those who emailled feedback. the long suffering girlfriend/computer widow... ooops :)
As far as copyright goes all I can say is that nearly all of this map is made using assets from
ET - textures, models, sounds etc. and these belong their rightful owners.
However, the actual map is a creation of mine of mine - so please DO NOT alter it without asking me first.
The map is also free for all those in the online gaming community and should not be used in any way for commercial gain.
Anyhow - I Hopy you enjoy it :)
Neil aka. mrfinn