V2 Factory Final |
Played 198,254 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
V-2 Factory by Mean Mr. Mustard
release date: 25-May-04 (Final)
RTCW: Enemy Territory SW,
title: V-2 Factory (Final)
file: v2_factory.pk3
author: Mean Mr. Mustard
email address: mean_mr_mustard7@hotmail.com
description: It is the spring of 1943, and the immense Blockhaus near Watten is nearly complete. The Axis have geared up production on the V-2 rocket but continue to fire them from a remote launch site. The Allies must destroy the production of the next V-2 before any more terror can be rained down on England.
Objectives: Axis have to produce a V-2. All factory machines must run 15 minutes to construct a V-2. Allies can halt production by damaging the machines. If the Axis repair the machines, then the time build continues. If all threee machines are damaged in an overlapping period, Allies win the map. If the V2 is produced, then the Axis must deliver it to safety via a train.
Play Information
gametype: wolfmp, wolfsw **no lms implemented yet**
map name: v2_factory.bsp
new sounds: various train sounds
new graphics: custom textures for signs, posters, v2 and train skins
new music: none
new models: v2, train and train cars
prefabs: various ones from Drakir (www.drakir.tk)
how to play: place the v2_factory_b1.pk3 file in for etmain directory. Then host a game, single objective map and select V-2 Factory Beta 1
base: scratch
editor: GTK Radiant 1.4.0-rc2
other programs: easygen (terrain), gimp (graphics), PSP, gmax, lithunwrap
know bugs: none
build time: overall, approx. 6-8 months.
Thanks to the following:
The splash Damage Forums - a vast treasure trove of information
Desert Skybox by sock (I modified the sun angle and color to suit my map - shader changes in v2_factory.shader)
Ifurita for providing the V-2 brushwork on which the V-2 md3 is based
shaderlab (ydnar) for various textures (detail-cb,flat_lt,concrete_big_1,brick-med-tan,brick-med-tan-wdwed)
Drakir for the vast number of quality prefabs (shelves, barrels,etc) -- www.drakir.tk
Schaffer (Nick Abbott) for generating the awesome command map, loadscreen image and lots of bug checking
Nathan Havok - terrain layout, heightmap, v2 and train models
Crotalus - custom textures for all the factory signs, and all the model skins! Added posters throughout the map....
Nathan Havok, (Pyr8)Someguy and Steurenol for refining the original mapping objectives and layout
[GoG]Mike for "you must include a slide somewhere in the map" - and I did
Crotalus for "you need to use a skybox so your map isn't floating in space" - so I did
TheBaz for MG-Nest placement and various detail/playablity ideas
=MLK=delicious, TheBaz, [GoG]Mike, Absolutjd, Clemster and Crotalus for initial walk throughs and testing
PureGamer for various testing of the map
=MLK= for play testing of the entire map
=Shit Storm= servers for putting the mpa through the ringer - which it survived
ND80 servers for lots of play testing and feedback
Java.Lang for the cobweb texture and shader
Distribution / Permissions
This map may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a completed map by anyone else than the author.
Authors May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.The possibility of using items from this map as prefabs is possible, but you must obtain the author's written permission first.
You MAY distribute this pk3 file in its entirety without permission. This file may
not be commercially exploited in any way.