Make Me Jump! Beta 3 |
Played 59,820 times. |
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Map Type: | TJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Other |
Description: (the readme file)
Author: mAke*
Trickjump map including jumps from the original maps for team Axis:
And 3 GammaJumps for team Allies.
Map details
First of all, I would like to thank the following people.
Name / reason
{Just-Me} / JM has been a huge help. He not only created most of the scripts but helped me out in general, with models etc.
HeX|Fate / Fate taught me the basics of mapping :]
HulluPullo / For a lot of ideas for improving the map. +submitted several nice trickjumps.
.HurricaNE' aka GomEz / Submitted a trickjump.
MaGeE / Submitted a trickjump.
jasmin. and creek / For managing the server when I wanted to test my map.
nyrtZI / Same than above.
///PALE / Bughunting