The Holy Grail Final |
Played 105,369 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
title: Holy Grail!!
file: vio_grail_final.pk3
author: [TFA]Violator
email address:
release date: 1/4/2007
Play Information
gametype: wolfmp, wolfsw
new sounds: yes
new graphics: yes
new music: no
new models: yes
prefabs: no
base: scratch
editor: GTK Radiant 1.3.13
other programs: PSP, Milkshape, WavePad, q3map2toolz
build time: Far too long :)
total compile time: 45mins odd
Based extremely vaguely on Monty Python and the Holy Grail (well its got a grail and a holy hand grenade in it). Allies on the attack, Axis defending. Docs style map (2 stages of docs).
1) Allies should blow (dyno) main entrance and/or cloister door to gain access to cathedral
2) Then they should blow casket in chapter house housing the holy hand grenade of Antioch (satchel)
3) Take said Grenade to tower door where it will explode in 3 seconds (that being the number between 2 and 4, 5 is right out!)
4) Allies should then grab the grail and return it to there base.
Additionally, allies can build a bridge over the graveyard area to an axis teamdoor with a uni to gain access to the top level of the cathedral
There is a fightable flag midway between the two doors (initially pwned by Axis)
A simple obj map of medium size for around 6-12 players / side ideally.
Fixed in this version:
Much better lighting!
More clutter in the alternate grail exit
Fixed sun to be the right way round :)
Other resources used (thanks!)
cathedral_blushing textures by BlushingBride
chandelier from original RTCW
fantastic photorealistic textures by BerneyBoy (
images/sounds used without permission from Monty Python!
beam effect from MindLink
Thanks to all at TFA for testing, esp Perf, Pondy & Surf!
Thanks to various peeps at for testing and feedback + folks at [GMC]
Distribution / Permissions
This map may not be modified in any way by anyone else than the author, [TFA]Violator.
Authors may not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.
The possibility of using items and textures from this map as prefabs and/ or models is possible, but you must obtain the author's written permission first. If so done, please credit the author(s) where appropriate.
This file may not be commercially exploited in any way!