Rapids Retreat Final |
Played 80 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | TDM |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Jungle |
Description: (the readme file)
=WF= Rapids_Retreat DM
Version is First ET Playable
Original Q3A Author Unknown
Conversion from Quake 3 Arena for Wolfenstein ET
Given as a gift to =WF= Rapidfire, who loves Quake 3 Arena Maps
Conversion Maker from Q3A: Tim =WF= Pigg
Website: www.WOdanfire.com
Tim Piggs Email: tkuryla1@twcny.rr.com
Nick Rapids Email: nickyrapidfire@yahoo.com
First Tested on November 13th, 2007, at Wodanfire-NWO NO-XPS,
Mapname: Rapids_Retreat.pk3
Date of first conversion completion: Nov.13.2007
Size: 21.7 mb's
UNZIP the zip file and take out the Rapids_Retreat.pk3 and place it into your Etmain folder.
Deathmatch ... Kill or be Killed!
Both teams should have equal respawn times.
Get the most kills for your team before the server maptime is over.
More about Rapids_Retreat Deathmatch:
The map has many botanically correct plants, such as ferns, prayer plants, hoista's,
mushrooms, high towering trees. etc. In this version, you cannot climb trees, which
would be an added bonus. Perhaps Tim will make the map more endearing soon with his
good personal touches.
There are also jump pads with swirls that are all over the map. The green player
swirls are spawn points. The map boasts five spawn points for both Axis and Allies.
I wouldnt suggest spawning to close to the temple. You will have a better advantage
to make a game plan spawning away in the caves.
The sounds and ambience are surrounded with highlighted jungle sounds such as wild
birds, temple ambience loops, evil moo, thunder, wind gusts, jungle loops, and burn
loops. You can access the evil moo by pressing the secret panel in the map.
All work is copyrighted to the author of the original map title name, Pryramid of the
Magician. It is the author's rights to get credit for all his original works. The
converter designer deserves the rights to credit the original author, whoever he may be.
The map was reconverted from Quake 3 Arena for Wolf ET for fun and should be played for
Any bugs should be reported, regarding this conversion, to Tim =WF= Pigg at his email
address of tkuryla1@twcny.rr.com. Although, there are no known bugs from the exceptional
work of the original creator. All work was remodified for deathmatch gameplay on Wolf ET
servers worldwide.
Nov.14th.2007 notes from Spartacus aka =WF= FIRECAT, the =WF= Clan Mascot of www.Wodanfire.com