Bramburg Dam Beta 1 |
Played 68,944 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Bramburg Dam (et_dam) Beta 1 for ET
This is a conversion of Bramburg Dam (mp_dam) designed and released by Splashdamage for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It is based on the corresponding map 'dam' which was part of RTCW 1.0 single player campaign. All credits go to the developers at Splashdamage who designed this great map for RTCW, so in no way you are allowed to make money with it. I left layout and gameplay widely untouched. This map conversion was built for fun only, so don’t expect much from it. I’m just a hobby mapper. ;)
Probably best played with a maximum of 6-8 players per team, as the map isn't very large and gameplay extends only to a limited part of it (most of the axis side of the dam isn't really involved). The map surely isn’t suitable for large public servers with 30+ players. Stopwatch-mode should be cool, having map concept and objectives layout in mind.
Few notes:
1) There is a map-entry called "et_dam" in the database of, however, there is no info or download-link and I have never ever heard of such a map before or seen it somewhere for ET. So, if there's a conversion out already that I'm not aware of ... here's another. So what, it's just a fun project anyway. :)
2) Yes, this map is dark. So was mp_dam.
4) Changes:
- mapscript & several entities related to spawning reworked to fit ET needs.
- timelimit raised by 5 min to 15 min.
- some RTCW-only textures replaced by ET-textures
- most RTCW-sounds replaced with comparable stock ET-sounds
- most RTCW-models replaced with comparable stock ET-models
- terrain re-textured using DotProduct2 shader + Alpha Fade system. Credits to Simon "Sock" O'Callaghan.
Why a beta?
Simple: I have no clanmates for map-testing as I have no clan. You’re the guinea-pigs.
Ah yes, the commandmap is crappy, no doubt. If you’re a Photoshop-guru and want to help out: you are welcome, I'll send you the tracemap! (I’m serious!)
If there's no input at all, I'll just see what errors I can find myself and throw out a 'final'.
Contact me for error reports or suggestions:
pr0t3st a.k.a. Ramon
To-Do list:
- add splashdamage-logo (poster?)
- fix textures here and there
- Add texture-layer (moon) to sky-shader?
- do better terrain lightening/alpha- and phong-shading, maybe
- get a better command map … hmmh
- fix camerascript for the spotlights at the dam towers. They do some
weired movements at mapstart. :P