UJE Warzone Sniper Final |
Played 85,517 times. |
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Map Type: | SNIPER |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Snow |
Description: (the readme file)
[UJE] Warzone sniper final
Map made by [UJE]Niek
Special effects made by [UJE]C
* Script changes to improve connecting
* Parachutes when you respawn from the bar
* No passing in the telephonecel
* The first plane now flies a round over the city
* The disco sounds won't play together anymore
2 small destroyed cities in the snow, all shot down.
There are still survivors on both sides fighting for their lives.
The region is still under attack, airplanes are bombing the place.
So watch out, a bomb could always fall right next to you or on your head.
There are lots of sniperplaces in this map, designed for all sorts of
sniper techniques.
There are 2 things to do in this map: to snipe and to have fun in the underground cafe.
Special stuff:
* A Hammond in the church and sound when entering the church
* A driving truck for cover.
* Planes bombing the place every 6 minutes.
* Firesupport is shooting the planes from the ground
* A big cafe added under the map with lots of efffects:
- The improved gambling machine of [UJE]C.. Now with a functional score-display!
- A disco with lots of beats and a sampler
- Disco lights
- Laser show
- Smokemachine
- Free drinks
- dartboard
- Doctor.Who beaming telephonecell
- And lots of paintings from friendly clans of the [UJE]clan
* Semi bullet-proof cafe.
* Parachute drop
So lot's of funstuf in the bar beneath the map,
a place where you can really relax and rest or even take a dance,
drink some beers or gamble a bit.
More [UJE] maps:
UJE_00 made by [UJE]C
UJE_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
UJE_city_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
UJE_sniper_boot made by [UJE]Niek
UJE_flat_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
UJE_oldskool_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
UJE_oldskool_sniper_np made by [UJE]Niek
UJE_sniper_boot_np made by [UJE]Niek
UJE_warzone_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
Special thanks too all the friendly clans for sending in there pictures!
* =DM= - ODIN - of death milkman clan
* {BN} Powder puff of Battle Net clan
* [TSC]Yoda of The SniperClan
* )A( Ilduca of Dark Alchemy
* (TOP) Rakker of The Orange Players clan
* [BOT]OKRedman of the BOTclan
(Unfortenetly he did not see this map cause he had an motorcycle accident
and lost his life by the crash.
I will always remember Donald Fair may he rest in peace
* {NB}Dr Ryan Of the Nuremberg clan
* Added by myself:
DEV9 , Psl , Dutchbat , TBG and [Snipers]
All thanks for being friendly clans!
*And ofcourse i want to say special thanks to [UJE]C because he did it again.
He made lot's of nice shaders and adjusted lots of things.
Well I can't say it enough Thanks C for the help
C says:
There are several models used in ths map, and ALL credit goes to the makers of these models.
Not every model was accompanied by shaders, so i had to make some myself..
Thanks to the (unknown) maker of the C47- & P40 airplanes..whoever You are..
I put in 1 model myself, it's a parachute from "DeGeneration".
Good model work! thanks for displaying it in this map.
information & references:
Furthermore, i want to thank Chruker for providing me with lots of information on his website:
The scripting-reference and the "MD3 Tag The Dummy".
This is his site: http://games.chruker.dk/enemy_territory
And of course, i want to thank everyone who made the SplashDamage-forums to what they are now,
one big knowledge base.. Without it, i would've asked many questions myself..
Fortunately, there is an answer to allmost any problem. I rarely visit another mapping-forum.
Thanks Niek, for letting me VIS, script, shade and debug Your map.. :-)
[UJE]Clan site
you can get omnibot waypoint files of the snipermaps
from our site by clicking "[UJE]map info" in the main-menu.