Helmsdeep Beta 4 |
Played 127,216 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Other |
Attacker: | Axis |
Description: (the readme file)
- Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Map - MML_HELMSDEEP_B4 -
Installation instructions:
First you should delete any other version of MML_HELMSDEEP in your
ETMAIN/ directory.
Then place MML_HELMSDEEP_B4.PK3 in your Enemy Territory's
ETMAIN/ directory.
The Axis forces, in their desperate search for power to stop the
inevitable Allied onslaught, have been working on the ability to
travel in time.
The Allies, learning of these plans, create a force to storm and
capture the Axis laboratories where the research is being done.
Unfortunately, the Allies attack during a crucial experiment, and
the resulting fighting causes an uncontrollable surge in the
equipment, throwing everyone in the immediate area back in time!
Appearing six thousand years ago, in a history that was only
thought to be mythical, both sides now have a new battleground to
continue their war in.
Allies must defend Helms Deep, keeping safe the means of travelling
back to the modern day, while preventing Axis from dominating this
new land and altering the future completely.
Level info:
Please read the section below on patrol points to understand how
they work.
This map is in BETA (4) mode.
Changes include:
- Axis regain east and west valley spawns
- Allis can't wall jump (they can still get into the valley via
the side door)
- Axis get a buildable MG in the valley
- Tons of graphical updates
- Made it run in the default memory settings, oops :)
To give me feedback, post at:
1) Transport the two extra crates of dynamite to the culvert.
2) Blow the wall by planting dynamite at the culvert with the extra
dynamite crates.
3) Capture the South Valley spawn. This becomes permenant once both
the Main Gate and wall have been breached.
4) Escort the Tank up to blow the Throne Room Door.
5) Construct the Caves Command Post to gain forward spawns.
6) Destroy the Cave Defences.
7) Dynamite the Weak Tunnel blocking off Allied reinforcements.
1) Prevent Axis placing additional explosives at the culvert.
2) Stop Axis blowing the main wall.
3) Defend the South Valley spawn.
4) Prevent the Tank from reaching and blowing the Throne Room Door.
5) Stop Axis from building and defending the Caves Command Post.
6) Build and protect the Cave Defences.
7) Defend the Weak Tunnel from Axis dynamite.
Patrol Points:
In various stages of the map are what are called Patrol Points (or
PP for short).
A PP is a designated zone that a certain team / class combination
must remain in for a given length of time to enable additional
benefits for their team.
The time to enable a PP, and how long that PP stays enabled for,
varies, but is clearly defined. Players enabling a PP will be told
how long it takes to enable, and the whole team is alerted when a
PP is enabled, disabled, and when it's about to run out.
PPs are identified by a striped border around them.
The class and team combination required to activate the PP will be
shown on the wall within the PP itself.
The icon indicates what class is required, and the icons correspond
exactly to the icons for class selection in the limbo screen, but
are detailed here:
Helmet = Soldier
Cross = Medic
Bullet = Field Op
Target = Covert Op
Spanner = Engineer
The colour of the striped zone marker and the class icons indicate
what team can activate the patrol point:
Red = Axis
Blue = Allies
Grey / yellow = Either team
So, for example, a blue cross means that only an Allied Medic can
activate the patrol point.
PPs are marked on the Command map.
The effects gained from enabling a PP are varied, and stated at
the time of activation.
Special in-game effects:
Axis Patrol Points:
Axis has a medic-only PP located under the mountain next to the
ramp. It takes 10 seconds to enable, and changes the Axis' spawn
time from 20 to 15 seconds. It lasts for 2 minutes.
Allied Patrol Points:
Allies have a medic-only PP located in the halls under the Fort.
It takes 10 seconds to enable, and unlocks the health cabinets
dotted around the map for 2 minutes.
Allies have a field-op-only PP located in the second level of
the tower. It takes 10 seconds to enable, and unlocks the ammo
cabinets dotted around the map for 2 minutes.
The Horn of Helm Hammerhand:
The Horn (located at the top of the tower) can be blown by the
Allied team only.
There are no limits to the number of times you can blow the Horn,
although you cannot blow it more frequently than once every 2
The Horn's effect is more powerful the longer you leave it between
blowing it. It has 5 distinct levels, and it 'charges up' levels
every 2 minutes.
The effects are:
Level 1 - Allies get instant respawn for 10 seconds.
Level 2 - As level 1 and Allies also get super-fast recharge for 10 seconds.
Level 3 - As level 2 and mortar fire sweeps acros the valley.
Level 4 - As level 3 and health / ammo cabinets are unlocked for 2 minutes.
Level 5 - As level 4 but effects last for 15 seconds instead of 10 and there's
an additional wave of mortars.
Playing instructions:
To join a server playing this map:
1) Join as normal - ET will load the map up automatically (assuming you have installed it correctly).
To set up a server:
1) Load up ET in MP mode.
2) Choose 'Host Game'.
3) Find MML HELMSDEEP B4 in the list of SW / MP maps.
4) Set server options according to how you wish them to be.
5) Choose 'Accept'.
Level technical info:
Type: MP / SW
Stage: Beta
Revision: 4
Time taken: 30 months
Compile: BSP -meta, -vis, -light -fast -filter -samples 2
Author info:
Author: [MML]Gerbil / zero.Gerbil
Real name: Barry Swan
WwW: http://www.theburrow.com
Wolf WWW: http://theburrow.neohosted.co.uk
Clan WWW: http://www.zerogaming.co.uk
E-mail: gerbil@theburrow.co.uk
Too many to mention, but I'll have a go anyway:
Siliconslick - for his great patches, and supplying a couple of
dedicated servers with plenty of slots!
Tomasina - lots of help and feedback
Ratty Redemption - help with the terrain and making me understand
meta shaders and how cool they are (although now a bit
deprecated thanks to Ydnar!)
Detoeni - Converting some of my models to ASE - without this vital
stage to save memory, I'd have had to delete tons of
the map to make it work on standard setups!
SCDS_reyalP - giving me the missing link in some of my shaders
Ydnar - for the fantastic q3map2 and new features that made some
of this stuff possible.
Clan Groundzero - as ever a top bunch of guys and I just wish I
had the connection to play with them again in clan
matches :(
MadMaximus, Mr Mean Mustard, Sock, The Programmer formally known
as djbob (now digibob), Chavo One from Jolt and
Splashdamage for their support and help in particular
tofu, MrKillem1, Fade2Black, Zum, MadMan030, cc'derelict, Hiro, RamboJohnJ,
JustBlaze, SnipaNoob and anyone else who offered ideas on my or
qubenet's forums.
Anyone else I've missed - there will undoubtedly be some, and for
that I'm sorry, but anyone who has offered support,
feedback or ideas, it's greatly appreciated!
Consider everything in this file copyright - you may NOT use
any of it without express permission from myself.
There are assets in here not created by me, most obviously the
skybox. I will include proper credits when I can track them down.
Sorry if the skybox is yours, I DO INTEND TO CREDIT YOU, I have
just can't remember where I found it :(
I may or may not have used some textures by Ydnar too, so his
stuff = copyright too. In other words, I wouldn't touch anything
or else ;)