1944 Huertgen Forest Final 2 |
Played 31,412 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Snow |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Basic Information
Mappers : +KOMMANDO+ (Original 1944 Huertgen map)
: Mateos (Since 1944 Huertgen Final 2)
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : 1944 Huertgen Forest (Final 2)
Filename : 1944_Huertgen_Final2.pk3
Release date : 29th August 2012
Description : The Axis are launching a surprise attack on allied forces. They are using a Jagdpanther to
open the Truckyard Wall to allow an escape with the Allied gold!
Programs Used : Gtk Radiant 1.4.0, Notepad++, ETScript 4 Beta 2, Q-Dir, Picasa 3,
BspShoe 2.0, ToDo List, Decompilateur, Q3 Model Tool.
Build time : Started January 2012 - First Playable the 27/06/2012 - Additions 02/05/2012 - Release 29/08/2012
Installation : Place the 1944_Huertgen_Final2.pk3 in your etmain folder.
Contact : mister_mateos[AT]hotmail.fr
Website : -
Approximate Compilation Stats
BSP -meta 30 seconds.
-VIS 10 seconds.
-light -shade -filterradius 4 -bounce 0 -external -lightmapsize 1024 220 seconds.
Special thanks to
+KOMMANDO+, for his awesome 1944 series.
#Kemon, [UJE]Rebel, ailmanki, Avoc, Kic, Magic, Shagileo, Tardis, and all other Splash Damage members who have helped and supported me.
2Bit, Marko, Chruker, Ifurita and some others for their tutorials and prefabs.
id Software & Splash Damage, thanks for ET!
And special thanks to dFx, for all his help since the begining, and his Decompilateur!
Further development
> Final 2
- General
* Added Locations file.
* Advanced Light compilation.
* Terrain has smoothed shadows now.
* Every custom texture has a shader now.
* No more "holes" in the middle of the map.
* Some Clip added on map sides to avoid any stuckage.
* Fixed players possibly stuck when exiting the Wooden Bunker MG.
* Wooden barrier near Axis Bunker Spawn isn't weapon-clipped anymore.
* Sun appears correctly now. Shader was textures/1944_beach/beach_sun...
* Fixed spawns (Flags on Command Map, and players spawning inside the crates).
* Corrected the map coordonates, even if it's obvious the CM is older than the actual map...
* Added a ladder near solid Bridge so people doesn't need to swim and get hurt to exit this area.
* Replaced triangles probably cut with CSG Substrast by normal triangles, for easier brush manipulation.
* Removed unused textures, all are now in a single folder different from original map to avoid any conflict.
* The "map exists", where you steal the Tank and the Truck, have been decored with Fuel Dump entrance door (Allied Spawn).
* Since the map was made from EasyGen (terrain0, etc), I used SimonOC tutorials about terrain blending to obtain the same
without any .PCX file (Link at the bottom); But I had to deal with few locations where 3 textures were meeting.
- Objective Narrative & Mecanisms
* Added Objective/Spawn cameras.
* Fixed contruction crates and AT-Gun clips.
* Added Axis Ammo Room icon on Command Map for Allies.
* Added Axis North Path icon on Command Map for Allies.
* Added Truckyard Gate icon on Command Map for both teams.
* Added decayed final part for Axis North Path, so after a while the construction will disappear...
* The AT-Gun, while destroyed, will now emit smoke; Very noticeable in distance, letting Allies know when the way is free.
* Added Artillery Blast Area icon on Command Map for both teams, so Allies know where it triggers and Axis when to use it.
- Tank & Truck Related Stuff
* Added Truck Smoke.
* If by any chance an Allied guy get inside the Truck area before Tank blow up the gate,
the Truck is no more escortable until the gate explodes.
* Clip above Truck area removed; Axis can destroy the Truck when they want.
* Added Tank turret animation (Turning + Shooting + trigger_hurt on trajectory).
* Fixed Truck position decay on map start, avoiding any teleporting'n'killing issue.
* No more "You are near the Truck" on the hill left from the Truck, moved away the related entity.
* Tank and Truck will stop often, since more splines have been added, and spline controls (+33 for Tank, +X for Truck).
- Optimization
* Caulked more surfaces.
* Added Hint/Skip (There were nothing in original).
* Put a lot of Caulk structural brushes inside the mountains and hills, and removed the visible ones.
* Base, sky and sides were made of plenty caulk brushes... Everything is plane now, a lot less brushes.
* Optimized T-Junctions (Thanks ailmanki for the link, and Ifurita for the tutorial, see link at the bottom).
Useful Links
Ifurita's T-Junctions Optimization Tutorial: http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/10838-Tutorial-T-Junctions
SimonOC Terrain Blending Tutotial: http://simonoc.com/pages/articles/terrain2_1.htm
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