X-Dam Complex 2 Final |
Played 30,223 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Not Set |
Description: (the readme file)
-| X-Dam Complex 2 for Enemy Territory |-
Release date: 2006-05-24
Map original release date: 2003-11-14
Author: SteelRat
Map Name: X-Dam 2
BSP name: xdam2
Gametypes supported: Objective and Stopwatch
Gametime: 20 Minutes
This is a re-release of my first map for ET, I felt that the map deserved a tune up as it is fun to play.
This is what I have fixed:
Lights on map was borked, especially for the player models - fixed.
Script issue with the sirens not working properly - fixed.
Hundreds of texture misses - fixed.
Shader totally missing for textures - fixed.
Objectives on commandmap a mess - fixed.
All brushes structural, LOL - fixed :)
Terrain was really weird in some places - improved.
Light textures missing - fixed.
Contact info
Website: www.srcgaming.com
e-mail: steelrat at bredband.net
IRC channel @ Quakenet: #srcgaming
###SteelRat's Cage ET Server: