Castle Eltz Beta 1 |
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Description: (the readme file)
Please note: This is the First public release and may contain bugs.
title: Castle Eltz Beta1
file: eltz_beta1.pk3
version: Public Beta 1
release date: June 11th 2010
author: FireFly
email address:
Axis Scientists have been working on a Teleporter Device inside the Castle of Eltz.
This Teleporter is powered by rare pieces of crystals...
Allied Forces must Infiltrate the Castle and steal these crystals.
The crystals must be delivered at the Zeppelin
Axis Objectives:
The Tunnel Grate: Defend the Tunnel Entrance, once destroyed, The allied forces can enter the Tunnels.
The CommandPost: Building the command post will give the Allies a new spawn point.
The Generator: Do not let the allied forces destroy The Generator.
The Crystals: Defend our Teleporter.Do not let the Allies steal the Crystals.
The Zeppelin: Stop the allies from taking the Crystals to the Zeppelin.
Allied Objectives:
The Tunnel Grate: Destroy the Tunnel Entrance and gain access to the Tunnels.
The CommandPost: Building the command post will give us a new spawnpoint."
The Generator: Destroy The Generator.*Once destroyed, the East and West gate will open and we can enter the Castle.
The Crystals: Make your way to the Teleporter and steal the Crystals."
The Zeppelin: Take the crystals to the Zeppelin"
base: scratch
editor: GTK Radiant 1.3.14
other software: 3dmax5, 3dmax9, Zbrush3.1, PhotoshopCS4, MD3Compile
build time: 6 months.
compile settings:
BSP: -meta -mv 1024 -mi 6144 -patchmeta -subdivisions 7
VIS: -vis -saveprt
LIGHT: -light -v -fast -samples 6 -patchshadows -dirty -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8 -dirtdepth 64 -gamma 1.65 -compensate 1.8 -external -lightmapsize 512
total compile time: 91 mins.
- "waterfall Mist" Texture by Diego taken from his map 'Praetoria-Mission Two: Hell on Wheels'
- Modified 'Vortex' Texture By sock
- Teleporter Sounds taken from the multitrack version of the song "Vessel" by Nine Inch Nails
* A BIG thank you:
Fluffy_gimp, Sock, Chr1s, Sage, MrFin, Magic, Ailmanki, Detoeni, chruker
Distribution / Permissions
This is the First Beta of this map and may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a
completed map by anyone else than the author.
Authors May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.
The possibility of using items from this map as prefabs and/ or models is possible, but you must obtain the author's written permission first.
This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.