Teuthonia Final |
Played 161,688 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Summer 2014 (Yeah, some old dudes are still making ET maps these days)
| Title : Teuthonia_final
| file Name : Teuthonia_final.bsp
| Version : final release
| Author : Teuthis
| url : http://forums.warchest.com/forum.php
| url : http://www.thewolfteam.org/news.php
| email : goto one of the two websitesand send your message to Teuthis.
I'd love to get some feedback about the map (criticism welcome of course too)
Reason for making this map:
I am mapping for ET because I enjoy mapping, irrespective of whether the map is finally released or not. Reason I released this one and not others is because I believe that people will specifically like this one. If you are familiar with ET you will recognize some similarities to goldrush. This is on purpose because I personally think goldrush is by far the best custom map and I wanted to create something that has kinda similar gameplay and texturing so that people who like goldrush will likely also enjoy playing this one. Also the goldrush.map file is open source and its legal to use brush and script work from this map (what a great coincidence YEAH!).
This map may only be distributed without any costs and free of charge. It is solely to be used for enemy territory and all rights belong to id software. All rules from id apply.
| Story: well if you know goldrush you know what's coming now:
| The Allies have to steal a tank and steal some gold bars
| ...escord the tank, clear the tank barriers and blow up the bank door
| ...steal the gold bars and bring them to a nearby truck
| ...escord the truck with the gold to the home base
| The Axis have to prevent the Allies to steal and secure the gold.
| :..Unzip Teuthonia_final.pk3 into your etmain folder.
| :..Launch Enemy Territory, find a server and have fun
| Objectives:..
| Allies:..
| 1:..Repair the tank
| 2:..Escort the Tank and destroy the tank barriers
| 3:..Escort the Tank into position to blow up the bank door
| 4:..Steal the gold and bring it to a nearby truck
| 5:..Escort the truck
| 6:..Build a Command Post for faster charge times
| 7:..Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post
| Axis:..
| 1:..Prevent the Allies from repairing the tank
| 2:..Build up the tank barriers
| 3:..Prevent the Allies from blowing up the bank door
| 4:..Stop the Allies from stealing the gold
| 5:..Stop the Allies from escaping with the gold
| 6:..Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post
| 7:..Build your Command Post for improved charge times
| Miscellania:..
| :..editor : GtkRadiant 1.5 and 1.6.4 (what a powerful weapon this radiant is, unbelievable)
| :..compiler : q3map2 build in GTKradiant
| :..build time : more than a year but as I said I map for recreational purposes with quite big gaps in between
| :..I only used mainly custom textures
| :..models are either common models that come with ET or they are from TWT Thunder (big thanks)
| :..some modified shaders and textures are originally from Simonoc (thanks Simonoc for these great turtorials on the blending stuff )
| Credits :..
| :..my wife for her understanding that mapping is not a complete useless way of spending your free time
| :..the guys who made goldrush. You folks seriously kick ass. Thanks for making the source code open access and to release the .map file
| :..my local brewery
| :..all the people from the SD warchest forum that helped with dozens of questions, most importantly Mateos and Thunder13 (big thanks to you guys)
| :..the level-designer Forum for great discussions and the nice tutorials (e.g. michi.be for the Tut on flagfire, and LD/NighWulf for the Tut on the doors)
| :..the sources for the free to use sounds I used: From www.freesounds.org I used the battlefield sound, which was made by Mike Koenig (big thanks)
| :..the sources for the free to use sounds I used: From www.soundbible.com I used the helicopüter sound (big thanks)
| :..the sources for the free to use sounds I used: From www.soundbible.com I used the machine gun sound (big thanks)
| :..for the tank and truck I thank folks making the prefab generator: http://www.ruizzz.nl/prefabgenerator/index.php
| :..TheWolfTeam, especially Mateos, Thunder, Micha and Ove for lots of help
| :..The folks from dark alchemy for great feedback, support and testing the map
| :..Special thanks to Thunder for the models, Mateos for help with scripting and Micha for the waypoints
| Copyright :..
| :..Copyright (c) 2014 by id software
| :..all laws from ID software and splash damage that apply for enemy territory also apply to this map.
| Permissions:..You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product. You may not edit this file in any means
| :..distribute this map via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
| :..you many not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
| :..distribution is only allowed without any charge for the receipient. This map is for non-commercial use only. No one is allowed to make profit with this map.
| Last note from the author
| :..the map is free of Nazi symbols. Please keep it that way. The day I see my map modified with such symbols is the last day I mapped for ET. Thanks for your understanding :)