1944 Huertgen Forest XMas Edition Final 2 |
Played 4,942 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Snow |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Basic Information
Mappers: +KOMMANDO+ (Original 1944 Huertgen map)
Mateos (Since 1944 Huertgen Final 2)
Map Information
Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title: 1944 Huertgen Forest Xmas Edition
Filename: 1944_Huertgen_Final2_Xmas.pk3
Release date: 29th August of 2012 (Final 2)
23nd April of 2013 (Final 2.0 Fixed)
20th September of 2014 (Final 2.1) - Tested by SD folks
11th October of 2014 (Final 2.1) - Public Release
18th October of 2014 (Final 2.1.1)
11th November of 2014 (Xmas Test 1)
22nd December of 2014 (Xmas Test 2)
30th December of 2014 (Xmas)
Description: The Axis are launching a surprise attack on allied forces. They are using a Jagdpanther to
open the Truckyard Wall to allow an escape with the Allied gold!
Programs Used: GtkRadiant 1.4.0 & 1.6.x, Notepad++, ETScript 4 Beta 2,
Q-Dir, Picasa, BspShoe, ToDo List, Decompilateur, Q3 Model Tool.
Build time: Started January 2012
First Playable the 27/06/2012
Additions the 02/05/2012
Release the 29/08/2012
DoorFix the 03/12/2012
2.0 Fixed Test 1 the 23/03/2013
2.0 Fixed the 23/04/2013
2.1 Test the 20/09/2014
2.1 the 11/10/2014
2.1.1 the 18/10/2014
Xmas Test 1 the 11/11/2014
Xmas Test 2 the 22/12/2014
Xmas the 30/12/2014
Installation: Place the 1944_Huertgen_Final2_Xmas.pk3 file in your etmain folder.
Contact: mister_mateos[AT]hotmail.fr
Website: -
Compilation Stats
CPU used to compile: Intel Core i3-4130 CPU @ 3.40GHz
BSP -meta 23 seconds.
-vis -saveprt 2 seconds.
-light -fast -samples 2 -filter -patchshadows -bounce 8 -external -lightmapsize 256 1 238 seconds.
Special thanks to
+KOMMANDO+, for his awesome 1944 series.
#Kemon, [UJE]Rebel, ailmanki, Avoc, Kic, Magic, Shagileo, Tardis, and all other Splash Damage members who have helped and supported me.
2Bit, Marko, Chruker, Ifurita and some others for their tutorials and prefabs.
id Software & Splash Damage, thanks for ET!
Big thanks to Niek from [UJE] for his authorization regarding using his assets for this Xmas map!
Additionnal thanks to Dragonji, hellreturn, Micha, Sedra12, Smurfer, Teuthis, Thunder, WuTangH and |MTC| clan peeps for their feedback!
And special thanks to dFx, for all his help since the beginning, and his Decompilateur!
Some assets are taken from Fuel Dump Christmas by Avoc, credits to him!
Further development
> Xmas
* Added presents.
* Added ambient sounds.
* River turned into ice.
* Added Christmas-themed speakers.
* Replaced most firs by Christmas ones, with lights.
* River bottom and sides remade to match Fuel Dump design.
* Reviewed texturing in several locations, including indoors and terrain.
* Night atmosphere, falling snow, and fog! Finally old PCs can enjoy this map.
* Spectators can freely fly around the map, the player clips have been turned into entities.
> Final 2.1.1
* Minor fixes.
* Re-added a timer to the AT-Gun triggers check for fast servers.
* Fixed: An Axis spawn point at the Tank Spawn was disabled on map load, and was getting enabled on spawn switch.
> Final 2.1
* Time limit management:
- Initial time limit reduced to 20 minutes;
- Extension when the Tank is stolen (not on first repair) (+10);
- Extension when the Truck is stolen (when exiting the Truckyard) (+5)
* Slightly improved VIS blocking.
* Optimized T-Junctions some more.
* Caulked more non-visible surfaces.
* Rewrote shaders and cleaned map script.
* Added a flash animation and a firing sound to the AT-Gun when used.
* Adjusted the Tank turret rotation angle while shooting the Truckyard Gate.
* Fixed the trigger time of the AT-Gun: it will shoot only 5+ seconds after a shot.
* Updated the map coordonates so the original Command Map fits with the objectives locations.
* Terrain lighting is now on a single lightmap, for a smoothed lighting. However, func_group's still affect it.
Also note that the texture blending is affected (only the brushes going through the skybox).
> Final 2.0 Fixed
* Optimized T-Junctions a lot.
* Caulked a lot more surfaces inside the buildings.
* AT-Gun: trigger time increased from 0.1 to 5 seconds.
* Fixed Flipped Triangles during MergeMetaTriangles pass.
* Smoothed shadowing on terrain, less pixelated tree/bush shadows.
* Fixed brush/texture alignment on the Foot Bridge (Thanks Tardis).
* Spawn areas are SK/Arty/Mortar/Landmine-protected (Thanks |MTC|).
* Removed solid brushes at the bottom of the bushes models (Thanks |MTC|).
* Reduced AT-Gun blast radius, so behind the house is safe now (Thanks |MTC|).
* Renamed the Health and Ammo cabinets, depending on their respective locations.
* The Axis Door, east from Farm, can no longer be trickjumped by Allies (Thanks |MTC|).
* The Axis North Path door wasn't destructible (Brush was solid): fixed (Thanks Tardis & Harry Homers).
* Added Push Targets above Axis North Path building and above Village Bunker to prevent double-jump TJ (Thanks |MTC|).
* Changed Axis North Path Command Map icon behavior:
- When it is built, it will show up as a Grenade for Allies and a custom icon for Axis,
while before it was only showing a Grenade for Allies (Nothing for Axis, could be confusing),
- When it is destroyed, it shows Construction Materials for Axis,
while before it was showing a custom icon for them.
* Colored locations in Fireteam:
- Red (^1) for Destructibles.
- Green (^2) for Spawns.
- Blue (^$) for Water.
> Final 2
- General
* Added Locations file.
* Advanced Light compilation.
* Terrain has smoothed shadows now.
* Every custom texture has a shader now.
* No more "holes" in the middle of the map.
* Some Clip added on map sides to avoid any stuckage.
* Fixed players possibly stuck when exiting the Wooden Bunker MG.
* Wooden barrier near Axis Bunker Spawn isn't weapon-clipped anymore.
* Sun appears correctly now. Shader was textures/1944_beach/beach_sun...
* Fixed spawns (Flags on Command Map, and players spawning inside the crates).
* Corrected the map coordonates, even if it's obvious the CM is older than the actual map...
* Added a ladder near solid Bridge so people doesn't need to swim and get hurt to exit this area.
* Replaced triangles probably cut with CSG Substrast by normal triangles, for easier brush manipulation.
* Removed unused textures, all are now in a single folder different from original map to avoid any conflict.
* The "map exists", where you steal the Tank and the Truck, have been decored with Fuel Dump entrance door (Allied Spawn).
* Since the map was made from EasyGen (terrain0, etc), I used SimonOC tutorials about terrain blending to obtain the same
without any .PCX file (Link at the bottom); But I had to deal with few locations where 3 textures were meeting.
- Objective Narrative & Mecanisms
* Added Objective/Spawn cameras.
* Fixed contruction crates and AT-Gun clips.
* Added Axis Ammo Room icon on Command Map for Allies.
* Added Axis North Path icon on Command Map for Allies.
* Added Truckyard Gate icon on Command Map for both teams.
* Added decayed final part for Axis North Path, so after a while the construction will disappear...
* The AT-Gun, while destroyed, will now emit smoke; Very noticeable in distance, letting Allies know when the way is free.
* Added Artillery Blast Area icon on Command Map for both teams, so Allies know where it triggers and Axis when to use it.
- Tank & Truck Related Stuff
* Added Truck Smoke.
* If by any chance an Allied guy get inside the Truck area before Tank blow up the gate,
the Truck is no more escortable until the gate explodes.
* Clip above Truck area removed; Axis can destroy the Truck when they want.
* Added Tank turret animation (Turning + Shooting + trigger_hurt on trajectory).
* Fixed Truck position decay on map start, avoiding any teleporting'n'killing issue.
* No more "You are near the Truck" on the hill left from the Truck, moved away the related entity.
* Tank and Truck will stop often, since more splines have been added, and spline controls (+33 for Tank, +X for Truck).
- Optimization
* Caulked more surfaces.
* Added Hint/Skip (There were nothing in original).
* Put a lot of Caulk structural brushes inside the mountains and hills, and removed the visible ones.
* Base, sky and sides were made of plenty caulk brushes... Everything is plane now, a lot less brushes.
* Optimized T-Junctions (Thanks ailmanki for the link, and Ifurita for the tutorial, see link at the bottom).
Useful Links
Ifurita's T-Junctions Optimization Tutorial: http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/10838-Tutorial-T-Junctions
SimonOC Terrain Blending Tutotial: http://simonoc.com/pages/articles/terrain2_1.htm
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