Axis Lab Final |
Played 360,679 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Axis Lab Final for ET
Map by: Jon Swenson (=N4RC= Smokey) and Chris Swenson (Hobbie)
Email address:
Clan Web Address:
Description: The Axis are guarding a top secret chemical weapons laboratory working on equiping long range missles with deadly poisons, but most importantly it also houses the Germans first prototype of a nuclear bomb. The Allies must repair the old truck, infiltrate the facility and escort the nuke out to the truck and drive it safely to the allied line.
**Axis Objective Descriptions
1 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from dynamiting and gaining access to the lab.
2 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies repairing the truck and escorting it to the hilltop.
3 Primary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from accessing the elevator by destroying the elevator generator.
4 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from destroying the door to the nuke.
5 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from taking the nuke.
6 Primary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from escaping with the nuke in the truck.
7 Secondary Objective: **Set up a Command Post inside the radio room.
8 Secondary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from building a Command Post.
**Allied Objective Descriptions
1 Primary Objective: **Plant dynamite at the entrances to gain access to the lab.
2 Primary Objective: **Repair and escort the truck to the hilltop.
3 Primary Objective: **Repair the Elevator Generator to escort the nuke out of the lab.
4 Primary Objective: **Dynamite the door to the nuke.
5 Primary Objective: **Move the nuke into the elevator and then to the truck waiting on the hilltop.
6 Primary Objective: **Escort the truck and the nuke safely to the allied lines.
7 Secondary Objective: **Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the radio room.
8 Secondary Objective: **Build a Command Post in the West Cabin.
**Map Info
Title: Axis Lab Final
Filename: axislab_final.bsp
Game/mod: ET - wolfmp/wolfsw/wolflms
Author: Jon Swenson and Chris Swenson
**Build Info
Base: Scratch
Editor(s) Used: Wolf Radiant, Corel Photo-Paint
Build time: Been on going for a year. First made for RTCW.
Compile time: about 1 hour
Extract axislab_final.pk3 into your (wolfet)etmain directory.
Run wolfet
bring down console "~" and type...
/g_gametype 2; map axislab_final
**Play Information
Single Player: NO
wolfmp: YES
wolfsw: YES
wolflms: YES
New Sounds: YES
New Graphics YES
**Special Thanks to...
The N4RC clan for help on testing the map.
Nibs Mapper Resource Center for help on scripting
Axis Lab was first made for RTCW. We decided to convert it over to Wolf ET.
Mail me suggestions, bugs, complaints, comments and or ideas for improvement.
E-mail me at
**Version History:
**Jul-28-2004 Final release
-loads of time spent on script.
-Changed the objectives.
-Last man standing is added.
-Added many objects to the map for atmosphere.
-Fixed command map icons from going outside the compass in etpro.
-Removed campaign file. (Most admins make their own)
-Time limit is now 25 minutes.
-Elevator now operates differently. (Axis blow elevator to stop it from moving)
-Changed many textures.
-Differnt objectives with different scripts.
Known bugs:
-Sky messed up at certain angles. (Thing has to do with the vis. Didn't find a fix I liked.)
-No icons on command map for the ramp. (The icons don't come back when the build area is disabled and then enabled when the truck is in position)
-Players being smashed by the cart. (Stand clear :-) )
-When swimming, players get stopped by the river bed. (This happens in the caves on oasis also. :'( )
**Mar-6-2004 Beta 2 release
-Fixed bug with nametags. Had to change the way fog was made. **mirror had to changed**
-Changed the lighting outside to be brighter.
-Allies now secure the hill top spawn when the root cellar is blown.
-Fixed the objectives (sewers, root cellar, and document's room doors) so you must be next to them to blow them. Before you could blow them from a far distance.
-Added voice announcements for the objectives.
-Fixed some miscellaneous things around map.
-Time limit is now 20 minutes.
-Fixed the campaign file.
**Feb-25-2004 Beta released
-Bug found after release with nametags.