Wurzburg Radar Phx Beta 3 |
Played 42,610 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Other |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Change from the Original Wurzburg Radar:
- Changed Weather Conditions
- Changed Primary Objective (removed radar parts, added secret documents)
- Added Bunker Door (for documents's room)
- Added Truck Race
- Added New axis's spawn points in abbandoned villa
- Special thanks to Splash Damage for having released the source code of the original maps! (www.splashdamage.com)
- 2Bit and Avoc for Breakout2 skybox! (tibet.clanservers.com and www.eft-clan.com)
- Rayban for New Foliage Models prefab! (raybanb@gmail.com)
Personal note:
I created this map only to play in LAN with my friends and I had never thought to publish it.
Honestly it is no great masterpiece but it could still be a viable alternative to the original radar map.
For suggestions, criticism, bug report or anything else, please send me a Mail!
Mail: phoenix.bugreport@gmail.com
Source: Phoneix thru Splashdamage