Dingenskirchen Beta 2 |
Played 13,854 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Snow |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Dingenskirchen B2
Release Date: 01/02/17
This map is a collaboration between phisherman and me and the result of, in total, more than 4 years of more or less continuous development.
It was created as a tribute to the good old times of RtCW. We hope it will bring back some memories to the old-schoolers amongst you.
Since this is the second public release, any feedback (ranging from bad texture-alignment to glitches) is welcome.
December 1944: The noose tightens around the Reich's neck as Allied forces threaten to cross the Siegfried Line and advance into Germany.
In a strategy meeting in an Eifel castle, Kraut high command has worked out plans on how to repel the invaders.
Allied intelligence wants these plans destroyed before they can be distributed to the front line.
This map has three main objectives instead of one, two of which must be completed by the Allies in order to win the match.
This was done in an attempt to prevent the massive objective camping by the defending team on some maps.
-----Beta 2-----
• The primary subject of the complaints about the first beta were low FPS, which rendered the map virtually unplayable as soon as some action came into play (support fires, explosives etc).
Due to the initial openness of the map, which didn't allow for any vis-blocking, a substantial rework of the basic layout was necessary.
As a result, the openness has been ditched in favor of a mountain range in the center. This separates the map into two outer parts, village and river/tram.
The third part is the castle, which still rests comfortly on top of everything awing the puny player.
It was an intentional design choice to keep the castle visible in both outer parts of the map.
This obviously means that on the very top of the castle's Bergfried you will see the entire map, which will drain your FPS.
This has no huge impact on gameplay, as the Bergfried basically just serves as a cinematic lookout and has no purpose regarding the main objective.
If you decide to camp on the Bergfried, we can't help you.
• Another big issue was the cluttered castle layout, which made people get lost in the corridors and staircases.
The castle interior derived from the Singleplayer structure of the first two RtCW levels and thus, did not look as streamlined as the Multiplayer maps we are all used to.
The castle layout has since been improved: Staircases have been reduced to a minimum and all doorways have been set to a wider opening size, allowing for quick movement.
There is now also proper routing inside the castle, which allows a bit diversity while still creating viable chokepoints.
The overall castle has also received a visual remake increasing the nostalgic effect for the RTCW players among you.
• The rather large pk3 size when comparing the map to other custom ET maps has been reported by many as well.
A map is downloaded once in your entire ET career (unless you re-install). Modern internet connections aren't as shabby as they used to be.
Hence, the pk3 size has increased from 50mb in beta 1 to 60mb in beta 2. There will never be a 'light' version.
• We have also received complaints about the Nazi symbolism in the map.
The banners have been present in RtCW and leaving them out would (in our opinion) take away some of the original atmosphere.
You are playing a World-War 2 shooter game. Denying the fact that the Axis were actual Nazis is denying history.
Never deny history, learn from it! Don't fear symbols, remember what they stand for and never let it happen again!
-----The End?-----
We consider this beta to be the final version of the map. However, you can never know what issues may arise, so we released it as a second beta. Depending on the feedback we receive there might be a third, final version of this map, however it will not receive another total make-over.
The .map source-file is planned to be released with the final version. If this version is the final one, then we will release the source-file in the coming months. However, we first want to wait for the feedback.
If you find script bugs, map glitches or new places for binocs, please report them to us.
Author: keMoN & phisherman
Brush count: 24.541
Entity count (total): 2.680
Entity count (clean): 557 (without misc_model, func_group, splines, light, worldspawn)
Compile time: 5 hrs 28 min
Development time since last version: 3 years
-----Thanks to-----
• ischbinz for direct support and his most awesome Tiger Tank
• Backsnipe for his eagle model + direct support, suggestions & feedback.
• Thunder for the falling tree trunk model.
• FireFly for direct support in beta1 + textures.
• Krischan for his House Prefab
• Gordon 'digibob' Biggans [SD] for his purely magical MD3-to-TAG tool
• Detoeni for the animated Tiger tag from Breakout 2
• hipshot for his "stormy days" skybox
• simonoc for tutorials + textures.
• Eugeny for his HD Retexture Pack
• WL6 for textures
• McNite for textures
• Diego for textures
• RayBan for his roq_flame_2 model
• The UJE clan for play-testing beta 1 on their server.
• The {WeB} clan for play-testing beta 1 on their server.
• Everyone else who played beta 1, gave feedback and suggestions or helped in any other way.