Blackwood Beta 2 |
Played 4,500 times. |
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Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Large |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Axis |
Description: (the readme file)
* Information: *
twitter: @macchute
shortname: Castle Blackwood ^1B1
mapname(/map): blackwood_b1
current version of Legacy, 2.75 doesn't render the roq flame correctly so the bugged flames in the castle is not on my end.
ingame entity count: 738 (1024 is the limit for ET so you can have a total of 286 players/mines/rockets/etc)
offender: axis
teamsize 6v6-16v16
spawnpoints per spawn: 32 (just in case (I don't recommend 32v32))
timelimit: 25 minutes + 10 extra when axis passed the second barrier.
commandmap area: 13824x13824units (216m x 216m, 46656m^2, 4.6ha (hectare) )
Licence: Creative Commons Erkännande-IckeKommersiellt 4.0 (swedish)(included in zip) (non commersial only, source and Author should be included and credited)
Credit Author with:
Original Author: Macchute
Twitter: (@Macchute)
compilation settings:
[q3map2] -meta -mv 1024 -mi 6144 "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -vis -saveprt "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -light -dirt -export -fast -nocollapse -patchshadows -shade -compensate 3 -gamma 1.5 -lightmapsize 512 -thresh 0.25 -samples 3 -lomem "[MapFile]"
programs used: GTK-Radaint 1.5 / Radiant 1.6.3 / NET-Radiant 1.5.0n / GIMP / Notepad / Audacity 1.3 Beta
hardware used: Steinberg UR12 USB audio interface / Supreme CU-1 condensor microphone / crappy laptop / Gamdias Demeter E1
coffee used: roughly a EU pallet...
* Story: *
General Kartoffel and his loyal men are still
fighting for the Vaterland altough it's 1945 and
the Fürher just committed suicide. Kartoffel and
some of his fellow men are now trying to clean up
their records and some salary notes are situated
in the cellar of castle blackwood. The only
problem is that the allies control the castle...
* Mission: *
The axis needs to escort a tank through a forest
and get inside Castle Blackwood. They will then
need to siphone diesel from their tank and
take the diesel to the cellar and set the secret
documents on fire.
* Special Thanks to: *
Shargo - for the map idea
Detoeni - for tiger tank models and prop models
Rayban - for barrel models
SimonOC - for excellent textures and models
FireFly - for "Dead on Arrival" health and ammo crates
IndyJones - for the flag textures
WuTang - for awesome conifee tree models
DevilsRightHand - for providing the Hovel prefab
Thunder - for awesome l_house1 prefab
4vector - for free camoflage vector for the tank:
* Fun Facts :D *
The bush near the upper cave in the middle (over the river)
uses model scale 3.14 as a reference to the famous number of
The whole maps bsp structure is fitted inside a space that is
16384 units times 12288 units which gives the diagonal of 20480
units this is actually an egyptical triangle with the sides:
3, 4 and 5 it's just 4096 times bigger ;)
The tank uses 128 splines :D hihihihihihihihi :P
All terrain is handmade which gives the map a very organic
feel, it also makes it possible to reduce the amount of
running between spawns and objectives
I was listening to "Four Tops" while making the terrain
around the first tank barrier.
The house in the beginning of the map was originally going
to be a farm house in a fragmap but was later adopted to be
a part of the trashed map S.C.A.R. (secret cargo at Rhein).
The house was finally recycled as a prefab after 2 years on
google drive.
Half of the terrain was constructed during the spring when my
gaming computer was down due to messed up setting for the over
volting (It's overclocked but it did lose the settings due to
a power outage)(it was down for two weeks btw)... But then I
was back playing CS and deaging silvers in the face with my
crimson weeb :) (...) ... (.)(.) :P
* LOG: *
2018-01-24 (10:00)
Imported tankscript from UJE clan's website and
made fully functional testmap, everything seems
to work fine. Contacted the Author of the
Jagdtiger to see if I can get permission to use
his tank model. Started to work on the castle
as a prefab.
2018-01-24 (12:50)
Got automated answer for the mail to the author
of the jagdtiger, His mail is no longer used.
Looking at other options such as a regular
2018-01-24 (13:20)
Cleaned up in wolf:ET install and added doa
(health ammo crates) models and SimonOC's tree
models into pk3 for the map.
Decided to use the ischbinz tiger tank so
downloaded it, now a bit confused since it's
almost 20 models, maybe it's the vert limits
that forced him into making many smaller
2018-01-25 (12:20)
Because of the extensive problems with shaders
and tags I decided to use Detoeni's tiger
I did put all the dt_tiger models together with
attachtotag, using a script mover in the turret
so I can rotate the cannon with the clip later.
was a bit confuse why it didn't work at first as
the churchill model was still showing up.
appearently I forgot about the changemodel in
the script (tanks get damaged, changing model).
2018-01-25 (18:00)
Made the wall with the stair section for the
castle. Might need to get all shaders set up
for Simonoc's tree models and grass blending
so I can work further on the ground inside the
2018-01-26 (09:20)
Made the basic structure for the tower,
included hole for toilet.
2018-01-26 (10:10)
finished the loo / toilet that goes down into
the moat xD
2018-01-26 (11:00)
Downloaded and added simonOC's medieval and
terrain textures into the pk3, beginning to
work on all the shaders with vertical blends
for the cliffs and the skull waterfall close
to the castle
2018-01-26 (14:00)
finished the front wall of the castle. it will
need some props and the tower will need a roof.
I'll have to finish the shaders first and change
the textures to SimonOC's medieval pack at first
2018-01-27 (12:30)
chaged all textures to simonOC's medieval pack,
added door to the loo and finished the top of
the tower. maybe I'll add a roof on top of the
tower instead of just archer posts
2018-02-14 (10:47)
worked on the roof of the tower and the
medieval building that is going to have a
walkway into the middle building (over axis
spawn exit).
2018-03-20 (15:26)
finished the tower connecting to the main building,
started to work on the floor plan of said building
and finihed the wall. Imported the castle into
the main map file with the working tank.
Installed the conifee tree models by -)A(-WuTang.
2018-03-20 (16:37)
layed out the end of the tank waypoints.
2018-03-21 (12:45)
did set the mapcoordsmins and maxs and finished
all of the tank waypoints for the final layout.
experimented with different skyboxes and
lightning for the castle.
2018-04-03 (00:30)
finished the bridge and started to think of how
the horse stable and wall should be completed.
2018-04-30 (20:00)
worked on a skull structure for the cave opening
that goes into the moat.
2018-05-01 (07:00)
finished the wall and edited the mapcoords to
include possible commandpost route. added
dt_aa_mm, raybans barrels and new foliage models
to the library.
2018-05-01 (08:00)
added the scar house to CBW's main map file,
compiled and took development screenshot 01
added new textures to the terrain around the house.
lowered the terrain under the walkway to give
more space for the gunner on the tank.
2018-05-01 (09:00)
had to lower the terrain a bit further and make a
small wall to avoid a steep slope next to the
2018-05-01 (10:00)
wrote more terrain shaders and debugged them.
added the water for the lake, thinking if I
will have different elevation on the lake and
the moat or not. will work further on the skull
cave that connects them in 1.6.3 the upcoming
2018-05-01 (10:50)
finished the front of the skull cave but still
have a lot of work left with the inside. trying
to figure out where the bridge in the cave should
be and how I should make the bigger cavity.
prolly gonna have to import into the main map
so it get connected nicely and naturally with
the castle wall.
2018-05-01 (12:00)
placed caulk walls and skybox around the map
together with some hints to shape the VIS
structure of the map. will not make a big lake
anymore as that will be challenging if I want
a good vis structure.
2018-05-02 (10:00)
made a lot of terrain between the house and
axis first spawn, figured the tank will start
in a small carport like stable connected to a
smaller static house.
2018-05-02 (13:00)
made the house with carport for the tank.
scripted so people can't mount the gun when
it's inside the carport. took development
screenshot 2. added trees next to the carport
will now add bushes and other foliage/prop
models in the area.
2018-05-03 (05:00)
added the prefab "hovel" that I downloaded
from devilsrighthandsmapping.
2018-05-09 (08:00)
been working on terrain for a couple days
but will maybe look into adding spawns for
the map today.
2018-06-01 (02:00)
started to work on the cave, decided to make
two caves, one upper that is wide and one
lower filled with water. the upper cave will
have a hole down into the lower cave and the
axis will need to contruct a bridge to get
over the hole. the lower cave will feature
a small waterfall that goes into a lower
channel of water going straight out of the
mouth on the skull cliff made earlier. the
style of the cave will be similair to that
of warbell.
2018-06-12 (15:30)
Finished the first half of the cave and
began with the spawn near the first barrier.
Mostly been working on the terrain since
the last update.
2018-06-13 (18:00)
Made some terrain, jaded as fuck I even
managed to almost finish the mill.
2018-06-14 (16:40)
Finished the mill and made a small credits
wall in the house in the start of the map.
I might move it to one of the caves in the
middle of the map Made some adjustments to the
VIS (optimization) and loaded the portal file
into radiant for development screenshot 04
2018-06-16 (17:20)
worked on the cave and imported the beach
bunker from norwegian battery, will have to
integrate it into the cliff and make a lower
cave, an old mineshaft and a dedicated cave
room for the credits of the map.
2018-06-17 (18:30)
worked on the skull cave, made it so that
there's a hole on top of the cliff that
goes into the eyes. will maybe make a ramp
so you can get inside the eyes from the
mouth but there will absolutely be a one
way drop from the top of the cliff since
the top will only be accessible after certain
objectives are completed as it brings
significant advantages.
2018-06-23 (14:30)
Worked on the citadel and how to fix the
framerate issues with the connection of
the portals of the river valley and the
castle valley. Will have to leave it for
now as I have visitors.
2018-06-24 (12:30)
Made all towers and parts of the citadel
into func_static entities and they are now
fully drawn if the player can see the
portal unlike before when some of the towers
did pop in and out of existence as you moved
around and they got behind the skybox.
Started with the moat and cave exit on top of
the skull cave but I ran into the safe malloc
error on light compile. Have no internet
connection and can't download the tweaked
q3map2 that fixes the issue. Will have to
continue making the terrain without light
2018-06-29 (17:40)
Switched to NET-radiant 20180516 (1.5.0n)
on windows, light compile is now 15 minutes
instead of 57 as with GTK.
I also added lightgrid to areas within the
bsp that isn't used, will later adjust that
so that the wall of the bsp follows the actual
terrain more closely
...Cannot get the skyportal to work for trees
south of the castle (like a static)
2018-06-30 (16:00)
Changed the bsp name from CBW to blackwood_b1
and backed up the current map file as
Added levelshot and coded all animation for
the first shot from the tank (on the door
before the first barrier).
2018-07-20 (18:00)
Waduhek it's been 20 days since I wrote in the
log but lots of things has been done. Made half
of the terrain in the castle canyon and made a
full blown blast furnace close to the mine.
The blast furnace is of a reverberatory type
used mainly for copper melting. Will maybe
change textures for the rocky cliffs so they
look more like sandstone (which Swchartzwald
is mainly built on) but since sandstone comes
in so many colours and variants and nobody will
hardly take notice I'll leave it for now.
Made overall improvements to the VIS structure.
Coded almost all the scripted stuff and all the
entities are soon placed in the map.
2018-07-22 (18:00)
Was adding all the entities and scripting
for the siphoning of the fuel. It was however
very hard to get everything to work but now
it's all good. The problem was that the
TEAM_CTF_BLUEFLAG needed to be alerted first
and then set to invisible so that it can't be
picked up before the diesel is siphoned into it.
However the barrel model is still visible
altough it's set to be invisible using the
setstate command. And for documentation, the
diesel objective itself is spawning late so
setstate and alertentity has to come after
quite some time.
2018-08-06 (18:00)
Finished the upper cave system and all ground
terrain that isn't scenery. The map is finally
playable after it was discovered that the barrel
didn't spawn due to that it was inside a solid
entity, know that this is solved I finally have
a CTF objective that spawns into the map using
alertentity and setstate invisible/default.
Worth to take out the Arbeg and celebrate.
Imported Thunder's l_house1 prefab from TWT
as a hut for the middle spawn.
map looks like this (in theory)
where the X's are spawns that can be captured
that spawn between barrier 1 and 2 (b1/b2) is
now made up by thunders hut with some crates
and trees around.
All the terrain and all leaks of the map is now
done and cealed. Hull caulk replaced with normal
caulk and terrain blending is now finished.
Recorded commandvoices with my sister and can now
proudly announce that this map got to be the very
first ET map to actually have a female
commandvoice. Final compile needed the -lomem
switch due to my RAM beeing too low. The reason is
that I only have 2Gb so this shouldn't be a problem
for people that has 4Gb+.
have some problems with the ROQ flame on Legacy due
to a bug on their end, however if you run 2.60b as
a good ETpro boi, you wouldn't have any problems
with it. Will add a disclaimer.
All sounds are finally added, what a weekend, recording
mixing scripting and then adding all the cameras, all
the mission texts and the very final compile :)
//---------- BETA 2 -----------//
Reworked the terrain blending of the entire map and
made it possible to plant landmines outside the path
of the tank and some other major paths in the level.
I have taken photos of different objects in the garden
and plan to make new bunker textures for this and future
all textures are beeing placed into the texture pack
I'm working on and all paths are changed from b1.
I downloaded a camoflage vector to add to the tank,
will just need to create the skin for it.
Packed everything (except for my shit (cuz no homo))
and have now decided to make a CE (contest edition)
of the map, however, the map will be released later as
AE and ME (admin and mapper) with a different texture
pack including bunker textures for an unannounced map
and some more textures for Minelabs Final which will
be released at the same time as blackwood.
Minelabs will also use the same texture pack :) so
there is the reason for a texture pack, all my maps
will use it and download times will be cut in half!!! :D
a1macchutic.pk3 is not an official texture pack and
will not be compatible with Minelabs or any other
map after that ;) but the contest has 50mb limit so
I guess...
However, the commandmap is updated and expanded slightly
also added shargo's name to it, since it's his idea.