Marrakech Streets 2 Final |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Desert |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Title : Marrakech Streets
Date : 27/8/04
Filename : et_mor.bsp
Author : Fix
Email :
Description : Allied intelligence has learned of the existence of Operation Hitlers Beard, a top secret project that the Axis top minds have been working on. If the Allied command could get there hands on the information contained within these files it would help them plan for a swifter and more decisive victory in the entire North Africa campaign. The Allies have put together a small strike force to attempt to break through the Axis defenses and steal the documents they are guarding. Needless to say, the Axis soldiers can not allow this to happen, and must defend the town at all costs.
Objectives : Allies;
1, Escort the tank passed the barrier
2, Escort the tank to the town gate and destroy them
3, Destroy the entrance to the laboratory and get the document case
4, Take the documents back out through the gate to a waiting truck
: Axis;
1, Don't let the tank get passed the barrier
2, Stop the Allies from destroying the town gate
3, Guard the laboratory entrance
4, Don't let the Allies escape with the document case
Notes : This is my first time mapping for Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory, so I might not have got every thing working in the way it should, and it is probably not balanced totally equally :p But it has been tested a lot, so I am fairly sure it is without bugs and runs quite well.
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