The Port Beta 1 |
Played 119,192 times. |
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Rating | ENABLED for this map. |
Map Type: | OBJ |
Map Size: | Medium |
Map Theme: | Regular |
Attacker: | Allies |
Description: (the readme file)
Bloody Territory : The Port
Author : Magic
Location : Orkdalen/Norway
Email :
Release : 31-05-08
Game Information.
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
File name : the_port_b1.pk3
Menu name : The Port b1
Game modes : wolfmp wolfsw.
Players : 10-12 per team
Version : Beta 1
Attacking : Allies
Timelimit : 30
Spawntimes : Axis 20 / Allies 15
Install : Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.
The allied forces has to take control over the port bunker and blow the gate that leads to the main area.
Axis has to defend the station building and prevent the allies from stealing the gold and the radar system.
Allies has to deliver the radar and gold to the truck in the garage,
escape with the truck to win the map , axis can prevent a fast escape with constructing 2 truck barrieres.
Axis objectives :
1. Prevent the Allies from taking control of the port and blowing up the gate.
2. Guard the station building and the key to the garage.
3. Build your Command Post for improved charge times.
4. Dont let them blow up the train gate.
5. Defend the gold and the radar part.
6. Build the first truck barriere.
7. Build the second truck barriere.
8. Dont let the allies get away with the truck.
Allied objectives :
1. Take control of the port and blow the gate.
2. Steal the key and open the garage door.
3. Build your Command Post for improved charge times.
4. Blow up the train gate.
5. Steal the gold and radarpart and deliver at truck in the garage.
6. Destroy the first truck barriere.
7. Destroy the second truck barriere.
8. Bring the goodies home by escaping with the truck from the garage.
Programs used
GtkRadient 1.4.0
Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Crimson Editor 3.70
PakScape version 0.11
Fate 0.13
Texture Maker 3.0.3
Thanks to
Neil/mrfin for the treeline and support - thanks.
Shawn for all the help/suggestions/ideas - thanks.
Splashdamage and Activision for the best game ever.
Ifuritea for the keymodel and train prefabs.
Dentoni for the great looking trucks and lamps.
Rayban for roq flame animation - and for your example map that teached me about blending.
MLB for the dday boat
Drakir for the elevator - has been modified.
Avoc for the inspiration and shader for my sewer.
Loffy for the lab doors - have modified them a bit.
The Blood Donors for testing
Splashdamge forum for all the info and help.
This is still a testversion - so i would be glad for all the feedback i can get.
Changes from Alpha1
Trigger on truck is made invisible to the keycard is delivered / could ruin the hole game.
Made a new command map.
Added ladders at the elevator in case you are trapped there.
Added a ladder on the crane.
Axis was able to use the buttons to open the train and radar gate - fixed.
Extended the stationbuilding so its connected to the culvert from the port - makes it easier for allies to take the flag/enter the main area.
Fixed some textures.
Fixed the water in the tunnel - was to short.