The shock ran deep when, on December 1, 2010, the Wolfmap news titled „~ The show is over ~“ was posted by Berserkr.
Then, on July 9, 2024, the Wolffiles news came with the title „Time for another change – Wolffiles will switch to archive mode,“ posted by Schnoog, and once again, a wonderful website was shutting down.
Today, I present to you Wolffiles 3.0, featuring a file base that is over 169GB in size:
2,698 ET maps
587 RtCW maps
Hundreds of mods, skins, and scripts.
With new features and old ones.
So, the first step toward preserving the Wolffiles file base has been taken.
All files have been copied here and are accessible.
Admittedly, some work still needs to be done on labeling the downloads, but I’m confident that this will also be wrapped up by early 2025.