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Welcome on our Squad-clan page!!
History TWC : The TWC History, till 2010 (archived by John) TwC started as a thought, a dream, in the mind of a 14 yearold boy. A great fan of ET, who became addicted from the first moment he downloaded and fired his first poorly aimed bullet. Quickly learning the basics and rapidly growing skills, he was asked by friends to join a very popular and respected (at the time) clan. He didnt care about levels and admin, he just had a thirst for the game and enjoyed it into the late hours of the night. It however didnt take long for a dislike of clan life started to develope. Abusive admin and the lack of respect the highest admin seemed to have for it's members, brought about an idea. A clan of his own, a clan where the members were friends each other as well as the very highest admin. From there on it wasn't long before a new clan would be born. He began talking to his friends in real life as well as ET friends and suddendly the dream sounded more like a very possible reality. With the help of two real life friends and a couple of ET players wanting to help, TwC was started. On april it was official, money paid the server came online. (servers???) Off to a very fast start, the clan grew rapidly in a matter of a few days. Memebers from other clans were wanting to join, guests were requesting tryouts and tags were set, TwC was the place to be. Some of the very best ET players were proudly wearing -TwC::Tags::TwC-. Our very own JointPK and his friends were off to a roaring start. With names like Ligustah,and and.................and other highly skilled players, the reputation of TwC grew fast and strong. After only a few weeks people were wanting to own a share of TwC. This allowed even more servers to be added but unfortunatley allowed abusive admin to buy their way into the clan. Without mentioning names, the new and popular sniper war server began to falter. A reputation of abuse was begining to spread around from clan to clan. it was around this time, only 3 weeks after the start of the clan that a member by the name of Saila joined the ranks of the sniper server. A new player that shocked the clan simply because of his age. Is he really 44 years old? "He's older than my dad!" was said quite frequently, but still the old guy made friends of his clan mates. Yet people were leaving faster than they were joining the sniper server....the supreme owner was an abuser of the worst kind. Then even higher up the trouble started also. Three friends who went to school together, began to disagree on many levels. One only wanted the best for TwC, another had little to say in the matter and the last might have let the high level and the power that comes with it go to his head. Soon the arguing began and the three became two. It seemed one of the founding fathers had a problem following the very rules he helped to establish. The clan was falling apart and abuse ruled mostly when Joint was away from the game. By the time he realized something was wrong it was too late. All but one server was failing. The owner of sniper had virtually chased all but one member off. very few guests were playing because of the abuse. Then one day Joint recieved an e-mail from a member he had heard little of before. Saila was aking him to be unbanned in the sniper server. It seemed he had been banned by a level 99 non TwC member. Saila had quite the tale to tell. The owner of the sniper server having not paid knew he was about to be kicked, started setting anyone who came into the server level 99. They all got a kick out of banning TwC members from their own server. Several more e-mails from Saila and several more unbannings, the story became to come clear.Spending several hours setting all the non members levels to zero and banning most of those to blame the abuse was over, but the server was dead. One member remained in the sniper server offering to help in anyway he could, Saila remained. Talk of the closing of some servers began. Two friends and an old guy in sniper were desperate to salvage the damage done and recover the reputation that was lost. This was when an old american guy and two young Dutch men started a friendship. Yet dissapointing news was given to Saila, sniper would be taken off line. Not able to frag, this was dissapointing news to Saila. Joint and his friend had their hands full trying to hang onto the other servers. Almost begging the boys not to take the server off line Saila offered to send money to give it one last chance. In return for the money sent, Saila was given the level of 50. Which to him meant really nothing, he didnt know how to use the commands or when to use them if he did. Giving Saila full reign to do all he could, Joint set out to deal with the other servers. In matter of only three weeks, sniper had members, several as a matter of fact. Then one day Joint decided to enter the sniper server and wouldnt you know it? to his surprise, the 16 slot server was full. Joint being very pleased and out of the goodness of his heart set Saila level 99 in front of all his new friends and clan mates. A week later more slots were added and it was then that the supremes new with the hard work they had done and with the help of their now good friend Saila, that TwC was well on its way to recovery. It was then that Saila changed his name and MayheM was born. The three became close friends worlds apart. With the help of skype and daily conversations they were in contact daily. They all loved the voice tool and soon were adding members into their daily conversations. Fun was had by all, talks lasted well into the evenings and more friendships were made. Vowing to not be supremes, but rather friends to any member who wanted to chat or talk, a different clan from all the others was starting over. TWC became a family. (Thanks to MayheM) Today We are a growing clan with lots of nice members en full servers. We daily speak to each other on the forum and in the servers it feels like a big family whose have fun till mid nights. Besides clan members we have clan friends who are loyal to the community. There acitve on the forum and server, always keeping a eye open for trouble and there mostly fun to play with or against. Inactives We have some inactives they are getting transported here so we can make the Head Clan page clearer. Clan Information
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