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ETS Clan
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Welcome to the Trackbase Page of the Ets Gaming Community!
// About Us // Ets was first founded in 2003 by MamDalton and Mr.MO who enjoyed online gaming. We are an open clan and have members from around the world. Our Main Goal is to have fun, enjoy the game, meet other players and maintain quality on our servers. Any issue: (problem with connecting, server etc) Visit our forums: https://ets-clan.net We don't appreciate whining, we don't like racist people, and we don't like cheaters. silEnT AntiCheat and NXAC Anticheat http://etmods.net/ Please respect our members, admins, and all other players on the servers. our servers: ETS Clan Silent XPSAVE! We are recruiting new members who enjoy the game and enjoy meeting new people. XP is Saved on all our servers and you can connect with any version of ET or ETLegacy. Clan Information
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